Decision Trees


Installing graphviz

!apt install -y graphviz
!pip install graphviz

A tree example

from graphviz import Digraph

styles = {
    'top': {'shape': 'ellipse', 'style': 'filled', 'color': 'lightblue'},
    'no':  {'shape': 'circle', 'style': 'filled', 'color': 'red'},
    'yes': {'shape': 'circle', 'style': 'filled', 'color': 'lightgreen'},
    'qst': {'shape': 'rect'}

example_tree = Digraph()

example_tree.node('top', 'Should I attend the ML lecture?', styles['top'])
example_tree.node('q1', 'Do I fulfill requirements?', styles['qst'])

example_tree.node('q2', 'Do I like CS?', styles['qst'])
example_tree.node('no1', 'No ', styles['no'])

example_tree.node('q3', 'Is the lecture early in the morning?', styles['qst'])
example_tree.node('no2', 'No ', styles['no'])

example_tree.node('no3', 'No ', styles['no'])
example_tree.node('yes', 'Yes', styles['yes'])

example_tree.edge('top', 'q1')

example_tree.edge('q1', 'q2', 'Yes')
example_tree.edge('q1', 'no1', 'No')

example_tree.edge('q2', 'q3', 'Yes')
example_tree.edge('q2', 'no2', 'No')

example_tree.edge('q3', 'no3', 'Yes')
example_tree.edge('q3', 'yes', 'No')



Decision trees

  • Supervised learning algorithm - training dataset with known labels

  • Eager learning - final model does not need training data to make prediction (all parameters are evaluated during learning step)

  • It can do both classification and regression

  • A decision tree is built from:

    • decision nodes - correspond to features (attributes)
    • leaf nodes - correspond to class labels
  • The root of a tree is (should be) the best predictor (feature)


import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

# just to overwrite default colab style'default')'seaborn-talk')
# first define some points representing two classes
grid = np.mgrid[0:10:2, 0:10:2]
set01 = np.vstack([grid[0].ravel(), grid[1].ravel()]).T
set01 = np.delete(set01, [17, 18, 19, 22, 24], axis=0)

grid = np.mgrid[6:16:2, 0:10:2]
set02 = np.vstack([grid[0].ravel(), grid[1].ravel()]).T
set02 = np.delete(set02, [0, 1, 5, 6, 8], axis=0)


plt.text(15, 4, "There are two attributes: x and y\n\n"
                "    * each decision node splits dataset based on one of the attributes\n\n"
                "    * each leaf node defines a class label");



plt.plot([5, 5], [0, 8], 'r')
plt.plot([0, 14], [3, 3], 'g')

plt.text(15, 3, "We start with [20, 20] (blue, orange)\n\n"
                "Red line splits dataset in [15, 0] (left) and [5, 20] (right)\n\n"
                "Green line split dataset in [10, 6] (bottom) and [10, 14] (top)\n\n"
                "Red line is a winner and should be the root of our tree");


tree = Digraph()

tree.edge("x > 5?\n[20, 20]", "blue\n[15, 0]", "No")
tree.edge("x > 5?\n[20, 20]", "y > 3?\n[5, 20]", "Yes")

tree.edge("y > 3?\n[5, 20]", "x > 9?\n[4, 6]", "No")
tree.edge("y > 3?\n[5, 20]", "almost orange\n[1, 14]", "Yes")

tree.edge("x > 9?\n[4, 6]", "blue\n[4, 0]", "No")
tree.edge("x > 9?\n[4, 6]", "orange\n[0, 6]", "Yes")

tree.edge("almost orange\n[1, 14]", "Should we continue?\nOr would it be overfitting?")



  • It is important to start with good predictor

    • Our choice of the root classifies 37.5% of points in the first step

    • Note, that we could also start with x > 9?

    • However, if we started with y > 3 we would never classify a point in the first step - does it mean that it is worse choice?

tree = Digraph()

tree.edge("y > 3?\n[20, 20]", "x > 9?\n[10, 6]", "No")
tree.edge("y > 3?\n[20, 20]", "x > 5?\n[10, 14]", "Yes")

tree.edge("x > 9?\n[10, 6]", "blue\n[10, 0]", "No")
tree.edge("x > 9?\n[10, 6]", "orange\n[0, 6]", "Yes")

tree.edge("x > 5?\n[10, 14]", "blue\n[9, 0]", "No")
tree.edge("x > 5?\n[10, 14]", "almost orange\n[1, 14]", "Yes")



  • In this case we never have to make more than 2 checks

  • There are two open questions to answer:

    • How to automate the procees of chosing nodes?

    • How deep should we go?

ID3 and C4.5 algorithms

  • We start with algorithms based on information theory

    • ID3 (Iterative Dichotomiser 3)

    • C4.5 - extension of ID3 (why C4.5? C stands for programming language and 4.5 for version?)

    • C5.0/See5 - improved C4.5 (commercial; single-threaded Linux version is available under GPL though)

  • The idea is to find nodes which maximize information gain

Information gain


  • Let X = (x_1, x_2, ..., x_n) be our information source (feature), e.g. weather condition: x_1 = sunny, x_2 = overcast, x_3 = rainy

  • And let P = (p_1, p_2, ..., p_n) be corresponding probrability distribution (or more precisely - probability mass function)

  • We want some measure of information I provided by an event. It should satisfy the following properties:

    • I depends only on the probability of x_i, thus I \equiv I(p_i)

    • I is continuous and deacreasing function of p_i

    • I is non-negative and I(1) = 0

    • if p_i = p_{i, 1} \cdot p_{i, 2} (independent events) then I(p_i) = I(p_{i, 1}) + I(p_{i, 2})

  • Logarithmic function satisfies all above condition, so we define self-information as:

    I(p) = -\log(p)

    • The most common log base is 2 and then information is in shannons (Sh), also known as bits

    • In the case of natural logarithm the unit is nat (natural unit of information)

    • In the case of base 10 the unit is hartley (Hart), also known as dit

x = np.arange(0.01, 1.01, 0.01)


plt.plot(x, -np.log2(x), label="bit")
plt.plot(x, -np.log(x), label="nat")
plt.plot(x, -np.log10(x), label="dit")



  • Lets X = (head, tail) with P = (0.5, 0.5)

    • We get 1 Sh of information
  • Lets X = (sunny, overcast, rainy) with P = (0.25, 0.75, 0.25)

    • If it is overcast, we get 0.415 Sh of information

    • Otherwise, we get 2 Sh of information

  • If an event is more likely we learn less

Information entropy

  • Also called Shannon entropy (after the father of intromation theory)

  • Usually information entropy is denoted as H

  • H is defined as the weighted average of the self-information of all possible outcomes

    H(X) = \sum\limits_{i=1}^N p_i \cdot I(p_i) = -\sum\limits_{i=1}^N p_i\cdot\log(p_i)

  • Lets consider two case scenario with P = (p, 1 - p), so entropy is given by H = -p \log(p) - (1 - p) \log(1 - p)

p = np.arange(0.01, 1.0, 0.01)


plt.annotate('we are surprised', xy=(0.5, 1), xytext=(0.5, 0.75),
             arrowprops=dict(facecolor='black', shrink=0.1))

plt.annotate('we are not that surprised', xy=(1, 0.1), xytext=(0.5, 0.25),
             arrowprops=dict(facecolor='black', shrink=0.1))

plt.plot(p, -p * np.log2(p) - (1 - p) * np.log2(1 - p));


  • Lets consider three case scenario with P = (p, q, 1 - p - q), so entropy is given by H = -p \log(p) - q\log(q) - (1 - p - q) \log(1 - p - q)
from mpl_toolkits import mplot3d

# grid of p, q probabilities
p, q = np.meshgrid(np.arange(0.01, 1.0, 0.01), np.arange(0.01, 1.0, 0.01))

# remove (set to 0) points which do not fulfill P <= 1
idx = p + q > 1
p[idx] = 0
q[idx] = 0

# calculate entropy (disable warnings - we are aware of log(0))
h = -p * np.log2(p) - q * np.log2(q) - (1 - p - q) * np.log2(1 - p - q)

# make a plot
plt.axes(projection='3d').plot_surface(p, q, h);


Information gain

  • Let T be the set of training samples with n possible outcomes, thus T = \{T_1, T_2, ..., T_n\}

  • The entropy is given by

    H(T) = -\sum\limits_{i=1}^N p_i\cdot\log(p_i) = -\sum\limits_{i=1}^N \frac{|T_i|}{|T|}\cdot\log(\frac{|T_i|}{|T|})

  • We can also calulate the entropy after T was partitioned in T_i with respect to some feature X

    H(T, X) = \sum\limits_{i=1}^N p_i\cdot H(T_i)

  • And the information gain is defined as

    G(X) = H(T) - H(T, X)

  • Lets calculate some example step by step

  • Lets consider a fake dataset

    • two classes: C01, C02

    • three features: X1, X2, X3

   X1  ||  A  |  A  |  A  |  B  |  B  |  C  |  C  |  C  |  C  |
   X2  ||  0  |  0  |  1  |  1  |  0  |  1  |  1  |  1  |  0  |
   X3  || RED | GRN | GRN | BLU | RED | GRN | BLU | RED | GRN |
 Class || C01 | C01 | C02 | C02 | C02 | C02 | C01 | C01 | C02 |
from math import log

def entropy(*probs):
  """Calculate information entropy"""
    total = sum(probs)
    return sum([-p / total * log(p / total, 2) for p in probs])
    return 0

print(entropy(4, 5), entropy(2, 1), entropy(2, 2))
0.9910760598382222 0.9182958340544896 1.0
  • The root entropy

    • We have 9 samples: 4 belong to class C01 and 5 to C02

      H(T) = -\frac{4}{9}\log(\frac{4}{9}) - \frac{5}{9}\log(\frac{5}{9}) = 0.99

  • Now lets consider feature X1, which splits data into subsets T_1, T_2, and T_3 (with X1 value A, B, and C, respectively)

    • Within T_1 there are 3 samples: 2 from C01 and 1 from C02

      H(T_1) = -\frac{2}{3}\log(\frac{2}{3}) - \frac{1}{3}\log(\frac{1}{3}) = 0.92

    • Within T_2 there are 2 samples: 0 from C01 and 2 from C02

      H(T_2) = -\frac{2}{2}\log(\frac{2}{2}) - \frac{0}{2}\log(\frac{0}{2}) = 0.00

    • Within T_3 there are 4 samples: 2 from C01 and 2 from C02

      H(T_3) = -\frac{2}{4}\log(\frac{2}{4}) - \frac{2}{4}\log(\frac{2}{4}) = 1.00

    • The resulting entropy is

      H(T, X1) = \frac{3}{9}\cdot H(T_1) + \frac{2}{9}\cdot H(T_2) + \frac{4}{9}\cdot H(T_3) = 0.75

    • Thus, infromation gain if the set is split according to X1

      G(X1) = H(T) - H(T, X1) = 0.99 - 0.75 = 0.24 \mbox{ Sh }

ID3 algorithm

  • For every attribute (feature) calculate the entropy

  • Split the training set using the one for which information gain is maximum

  • Continue recursively on subsets using remaining features

Play Golf dataset

  • Popular dataset to explain decision trees

  • 4 features:

    • outlook: rainy, overcast, sunny

    • temperature: cool, mild, hot

    • humidity: normal, high

    • windy: false, true

  • Possible outcomes (play golf?):

    • false

    • true

import pandas as pd

# first row = headers
src = ""

golf_data = pd.read_csv(src)
Outlook Temperature Humidity Windy Play golf
0 Rainy Hot High False No
1 Rainy Hot High True No
2 Overcast Hot High False Yes
3 Sunny Mild High False Yes
4 Sunny Cool Normal False Yes
5 Sunny Cool Normal True No
6 Overcast Cool Normal True Yes
7 Rainy Mild High False No
8 Rainy Cool Normal False Yes
9 Sunny Mild Normal False Yes
10 Rainy Mild Normal True Yes
11 Overcast Mild High True Yes
12 Overcast Hot Normal False Yes
13 Sunny Mild High True No

Play golf entropy

entropy(9, 5)
| Play golf |
| yes | no  |  -> H(T) = 0.94
|  9  |  5  |

Play golf vs outlook

                   | Play golf |
                   | yes | no  |
        | sunny    |  3  |  2  |  5
outlook | overcast |  4  |  0  |  4
        | rainy    |  2  |  3  |  5
                      9     5
entropy(3, 2), 0, entropy(2, 3)
(0.9709505944546686, 0, 0.9709505944546686)

\begin{eqnarray} H(\mbox{sunny}) & = & 0.97 \\ H(\mbox{rainy}) & = & 0.97 \\ H(\mbox{overcast}) & = & 0 \end{eqnarray}

\begin{eqnarray} H(T, \mbox{outlook}) & = & P(\mbox{sunny})\cdot H(\mbox{sunny}) + P(\mbox{overcast})\cdot H(\mbox{overcast}) + P(\mbox{rainy})\cdot H(\mbox{rainy}) \\ & = & \frac{5}{14}\cdot 0.97 + \frac{4}{14} \cdot 0 + \frac{5}{14}\cdot 0.97 = 0.69 \end{eqnarray}

\begin{eqnarray} G(\mbox{outlook}) & = & H(T) - H(T, \mbox{outlook}) = 0.94 - 0.69 = 0.25 \end{eqnarray}

Results for all features

                    | Play golf |                         | Play golf |
                    =============                         =============
                    | yes | no  |                         | yes | no  |
         ------------------------                 --------------------
         | sunny    |  3  |  2  |                 | hot   |  2  |  2  |
 outlook | overcast |  4  |  0  |     temperature | mild  |  4  |  2  |
         | rainy    |  2  |  3  |                 | cool  |  3  |  1  |
         ------------------------                 --------------------
            Info. gain = 0.25                       Info gain = 0.03

                    | Play golf |                         | Play golf |
                    =============                         =============
                    | yes | no  |                         | yes | no  |
         ------------------------                 --------------------
         | high     |  3  |  4  |                 | false |  6  |  2  |
humidity | normal   |  6  |  1  |           windy | true  |  3  |  3  |
         ------------------------                 --------------------
            Info. gain = 0.15                       Info gain = 0.05

Root of the tree

  • Start building a tree with the feature with the largest information gain: outlook

  • A branch with entropy 0 is a leaf node: overcast

  • Other branches must be spliited using other features

tree = Digraph()

tree.edge("outlook", "sunny")
tree.edge("outlook", "overcast")
tree.edge("outlook", "rainy")

tree.edge("overcast", "yes")



Next branch

golf_data.loc[golf_data['Outlook'] == "Sunny"]
Outlook Temperature Humidity Windy Play golf
3 Sunny Mild High False Yes
4 Sunny Cool Normal False Yes
5 Sunny Cool Normal True No
9 Sunny Mild Normal False Yes
13 Sunny Mild High True No
  • In general, one should calculate information gain for each feature for this subset

  • In this case it is clear that we can take windy

tree.edge("sunny", "windy")

tree.edge("windy", "false")
tree.edge("windy", "true")

tree.edge("false", "yes")
tree.edge("true", "no")



Last branch

golf_data.loc[golf_data['Outlook'] == "Rainy"]
Outlook Temperature Humidity Windy Play golf
0 Rainy Hot High False No
1 Rainy Hot High True No
7 Rainy Mild High False No
8 Rainy Cool Normal False Yes
10 Rainy Mild Normal True Yes
tree.edge("rainy", "humidity")

tree.edge("humidity", "high")
tree.edge("humidity", "normal")

tree.edge("normal", "yes")
tree.edge("high", "no ")




  • We got the final tree for Play Golf dataset using ID3 algorithm

  • We do not even use temperature attribute (for which information gain was 0.03)

  • The main problem is that the algorithm may overfit easily (tree does not stop growing until the whole training set is classified)

    • Imagine some crazy guys went playing on a rainy, windy day with high humidity, beacaue it was still hot

    • With this extra data point we would have to create more branches

    • Is one unique data sample worth to extend the whole tree?

  • And there is more disadvantages:

    • It handles only discrete attributes

    • There is a strong bias for features with many possible outcomes

    • And finally, it does not handle missing values

C4.5 algorithm

  • C4.5 introduces some improvements to ID3:

    • continuous values using threshold

    • tree pruning to avoid overfitting

    • normalized information gain

    • missing values

Information gain ratio

  • To avoid a bias in favor of features with a lot of different values C4.5 uses information gain ratio instead of information gain

  • Lets define intrinsic value V of an attribute X as

    V(X) = -\sum\limits_{i=1}^N \frac{|T_i|}{|T|}\cdot\log(\frac{|T_i|}{|T|})

  • where T_i are samples corresponding to i-th possible value of X feature

  • Information gain ratio R(X) is defined as

    R(X) = \frac{G(X)}{V(X)}

  • Lets consider a fake data set

  • The goal is to determine if someone plays or not video games

  • We have three features:

    • name - mostly unique

    • sex - 50% females and 50% males

    • age - just old or young

  • Looking at data we can say that

    • most young people play video games, why old people don't

    • sex does not matter

    • names are almost distinct

     name   ||  John  |  Mark  |  Anne  |  Adam  |  John  |  Alex  |  Alex  |  Xena  |  Tina  |  Lucy  |
     sex    ||   M    |   M    |   F    |   M    |   M    |   F    |   M    |   F    |   F    |   F    |
     age    ||  old   | young  |  old   | young  | young  | young  |  old   |  old   | young  | young  |
 play games ||   N    |   Y    |   Y    |   Y    |   Y    |   N    |   N    |   N    |   Y    |   Y    |
  • Information gain for name
h = entropy(4, 6)  # dataset entropy H(T)

# one John plays and the other one doesn't
# in other cases entropy = 0
g_name = h - 2/10 * entropy(1, 1)

  • Information gain for sex
# 5 men - 3 play
# 5 women - 3 play
g_sex = h - 5/10 * entropy(2, 3) - 5/10 * entropy(2, 3)

  • Information gain for age
# 4 old people - 1 plays
# 6 young people - 5 play
g_age = h - 4/10 * entropy(1, 3) - 6/10 * entropy(1, 5)

  • In ID3 a feature with entropy = 0 is always a winner

    • Imagine having all distinct values (e.g. credit card numbers)
  • In this case we would choose name as the best predictor

    • Creating a tree with 8 branches (from 10 samples)

    • Training data would be perfectly classify

    • But it is unlikely that the algorithm would be able to generalize for unseen data

  • Lets calculate information gain ratio and see how it changes the choice of the best feature

  • Information gain ratio for name

# 2x John, 2x Alex, 6x unique name 
g_name / entropy(2, 2, *[1]*6)
  • Information gain ratio for sex
# 5 males and 5 females - zero stays zero though
g_sex / entropy(5, 5)
  • Information gain ratio for age
# 4x old and 6x young
g_age / entropy(4, 6)
  • Based on information gain ratio we choose age as the best predictor

  • Because the denominator in a ratio penalizes features with many values

print("Two possible values:\n")

for i in range(0, 11):
  print("\t({}, {}) split -> entropy = {}".format(i, 10-i, entropy(i, 10-i)))

print("\n10 possible values:", entropy(*[1]*10))
Two possible values:

    (0, 10) split -> entropy = 0
    (1, 9) split -> entropy = 0.4689955935892812
    (2, 8) split -> entropy = 0.7219280948873623
    (3, 7) split -> entropy = 0.8812908992306927
    (4, 6) split -> entropy = 0.9709505944546686
    (5, 5) split -> entropy = 1.0
    (6, 4) split -> entropy = 0.9709505944546686
    (7, 3) split -> entropy = 0.8812908992306927
    (8, 2) split -> entropy = 0.7219280948873623
    (9, 1) split -> entropy = 0.4689955935892812
    (10, 0) split -> entropy = 0

10 possible values: 3.321928094887362
  • This datset was handcrafted to make a point, but I hope the message is still clear

Continuous values

  • Attributes with continuous values must be first discretize

  • The best way is to find an optimal threshold which splits the set

  • The optimal threshold is the one which maximize the infromation gain

  • Lets consider the same example as before

  • But this time age has numerical values

     name   ||  John  |  Mark  |  Anne  |  Adam  |  John  |  Alex  |  Alex  |  Xena  |  Tina  |  Lucy  |
     sex    ||   M    |   M    |   F    |   M    |   M    |   F    |   M    |   F    |   F    |   F    |
     age    ||   50   |   18   |   65   |   24   |   31   |   18   |   50   |   50   |   24   |   31   |
 play games ||   N    |   Y    |   Y    |   Y    |   Y    |   N    |   N    |   N    |   Y    |   Y    |
  • The possible thesholds are therefore \{18, 24, 31, 50\}
# calculate entropy for all possible thresholds
e18 = 2/10 * entropy(1, 1) + 8/10 * entropy(3, 5)
e24 = 4/10 * entropy(1, 3) + 6/10 * entropy(3, 3)
e31 = 6/10 * entropy(1, 5) + 4/10 * entropy(3, 1)
e50 = 9/10 * entropy(4, 5) + 1/10 * entropy(0, 1)

print("With threshold = {}, entropy = {}".format(18, e18))
print("With threshold = {}, entropy = {}".format(24, e24))
print("With threshold = {}, entropy = {}".format(31, e31))
print("With threshold = {}, entropy = {}".format(50, e50))
With threshold = 18, entropy = 0.963547202339972
With threshold = 24, entropy = 0.9245112497836532
With threshold = 31, entropy = 0.7145247027726656
With threshold = 50, entropy = 0.8919684538544
  • The best test is if age > 31

    • it splits the dataset to 6 samples (with 5 players) and 4 samples (with 3 non-players)
  • Please note, that the best threshold may change once a node is created

Unknown parameters

  • In the case some samples are incomplete one needs to correct the information gain

  • The information gain is calculated as before for samples with known attributes

  • But then it is normalized with respect to the probability that the given attribute has known values

  • Lets define the factor F as the ratio of the number of samples with known value for a given feature to the number of all samples in a dataset

  • Then information gain is defines as

    G(X) = F\cdot (H(T) - H(T, X))

  • Please note, that F = 1 if all values are known

  • Otherwise, information gain is scaled accordingly


  • The algorithm creates as many nodes as needed to classify all test samples

  • It may lead to overfitting and the resulting tree would fail to classify correctly unseen samples

  • To avoid this one can prune a tree

    • pre-pruning (early stopping)

      • stop building a tree before leaves with few samples are produced

      • how to decide when it is good time to stop? e.g. using cross-validation on validation set (stop if the error does not increase significantly)

      • underfitting if stop to early

    • post-pruning

      • let a tree grow completely

      • then go from bottom to top and try to replace a node with a leaf

      • if there is improvement in accuracy - cut a tree

      • if the accuracy stays the same - cut a tree (Occam's razor)

      • otherwise leave a node

First example - step by step

  • Lets consider the problem from the beginning of the lecture

  • Our dataset has 20 blue points and 20 orange points

  • Each point has two features (both are numerical)

  • We expect overfitting if pruning is not applied

  • We will calculate everything step by step (it is boring, but demonstrates how the algorithm works)

# first define some points representing two classes
grid = np.mgrid[0:10:2, 0:10:2]
set01 = np.vstack([grid[0].ravel(), grid[1].ravel()]).T
set01 = np.delete(set01, [17, 18, 19, 22, 24], axis=0)

grid = np.mgrid[6:16:2, 0:10:2]
set02 = np.vstack([grid[0].ravel(), grid[1].ravel()]).T
set02 = np.delete(set02, [0, 1, 5, 6, 8], axis=0)



Validation set

  • We will use 10 points from the dataset for validation

  • This time selected manually to perform by hand calculations

  • On the plot below X denotes validation samples

# split dataset to training and validation set
# note, we should splt them randomly
# but here we do this by hand
valid_idx = [3, 7, 10, 14, 18]

blue_valid = set01[valid_idx]
blue_train = np.delete(set01, valid_idx, axis=0)

orange_valid = set02[valid_idx]
orange_train = np.delete(set02, valid_idx, axis=0)

# circles - training set
# x - validation set
plt.scatter(*blue_valid.T, color='C0', marker='x')
plt.scatter(*orange_valid.T, color='C1', marker='x');


Thresholds finder

  • When building a tree we need to calculate information gain for every threshold in current subset

  • Every subset S has N_b blue samples and N_o orange samples

  • After split into accoring to some threshold we get two subsets

    • n_b of blue points and n_o of orange points (S_1)

    • N_b - n_b of blue points and N_o - n_o of orange points (S_2)

def info_gain(Nb, No, nb, no):
  """Calculate information gain for given split"""
  h = entropy(Nb, No) # H(S)
  total = Nb + No     # total number of samples
  subtotal = nb + no  # number of samples in subset

  return h - subtotal / total * entropy(nb, no) \
           - (total - subtotal) / total * entropy(Nb - nb, No - no)

Feature X

  • We need to calculate information gain ratio for the best threshold (the one that maximize information gain)

  • Possible thresholds \{0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12\}

Nb = 15
No = 15

splits = {"0": (4, 0), "2 ": (8, 0), "4": (11, 0), "6": (13, 3),
          "8": (15, 4), "10": (15, 8), "12": (15, 11)}

for threshold, (no, nb) in splits.items():
  print("Threshold = {}\t -> {}".format(threshold, info_gain(Nb, No, no, nb)))
Threshold = 0    -> 0.14818913558232172
Threshold = 2    -> 0.33824492595034883
Threshold = 4    -> 0.5297578726233217
Threshold = 6    -> 0.3525728312615027
Threshold = 8    -> 0.5297578726233217
Threshold = 10   -> 0.28538113149388267
Threshold = 12   -> 0.14818913558232172
  • We got the same cuts as predicted at the beginning of the lecture: x > 4 or x > 8

  • Lets choose x > 4 and calculate information gain ratio

# 4 samples with x = 0, 4 samples with x = 2 etc
info_gain(Nb, No, *splits["4"]) / entropy(4, 4, 3, 5, 3, 4, 3, 4)

Feature Y

  • Repeat the procedure

  • This time possible thresholds = \{0, 2, 4, 6\}

Nb = 15
No = 15

splits = {"0": (4, 2), "2": (8, 5), "4": (10, 8), "6": (13, 11)}

for threshold, (no, nb) in splits.items():
  print("Threshold = {}\t -> {}".format(threshold, info_gain(Nb, No, no, nb)))
Threshold = 0    -> 0.02035297064032593
Threshold = 2    -> 0.029594041354123246
Threshold = 4    -> 0.013406861436605633
Threshold = 6    -> 0.0203529706403259
  • The best cut is y > 2 (as predicted before)

  • Lets calculate information gain ratio

info_gain(Nb, No, *splits["2"]) / entropy(6, 7, 5, 6, 6)

The root

  • At the beginning we discussed the choice of y as a root predictor

  • ID3 and C4.5 are greedy algorithms and select optimal solution at given stage

  • We can start to build the tree with the first best predictor

tree = Digraph()

tree.edge("x > 4?\n[15, 15]", "blue\n[11, 0]", "No")
tree.edge("x > 4?\n[15, 15]", "[4, 15]", "Yes")



Branch x > 4

  • Now we have to repeat the procedure for the branch [4, 15]

  • Lets take a look what points are left

plt.xlim([5.5, 14.5])



  • Check x maximum information gain ratio
Nb = 4
No = 15

splits = {"6": (2, 3), "8": (4, 4), "10": (4, 8), "12": (4, 11)}

for threshold, (no, nb) in splits.items():
  print("Threshold = {}\t -> {}".format(threshold, info_gain(Nb, No, no, nb)))
Threshold = 6    -> 0.051004839414443226
Threshold = 8    -> 0.32143493796317624
Threshold = 10   -> 0.16251125329718286
Threshold = 12   -> 0.08198172064120202
print("Information gain ratio with x > 8:",
      info_gain(Nb, No, *splits["8"]) / entropy(5, 3, 4, 3, 4))
Information gain ratio with x > 8: 0.14010311259651076
  • Check y maximum information gain ratio
Nb = 4
No = 15

splits = {"0": (2, 2), "2": (3, 5), "4": (3, 6), "6": (4, 9)}

for threshold, (no, nb) in splits.items():
  print("Threshold = {}\t -> {}".format(threshold, info_gain(Nb, No, no, nb)))
Threshold = 0    -> 0.08471690647404045
Threshold = 2    -> 0.08617499693494635
Threshold = 4    -> 0.06066554625879636
Threshold = 6    -> 0.13320381570773476
print("Information gain ratio with y > 6:",
      info_gain(Nb, No, *splits["6"]) / entropy(4, 4, 3, 4, 4))
Information gain ratio with y > 6: 0.05757775370755489
  • Once again x is a winner

  • And we have a new node

tree = Digraph()

tree.edge("x > 4?\n[15, 15]", "blue\n[11, 0]", "No")
tree.edge("x > 4?\n[15, 15]", "x > 8?\n[4, 15]", "Yes")

tree.edge("x > 8?\n[4, 15]", "[4, 4]", "No")
tree.edge("x > 8?\n[4, 15]", "orange\n[0, 11]", "Yes")



Branch x<= 8

  • We will continue until the tree is fully grown
plt.xlim([5.5, 8.5])



  • Again, the best cut may be pretty obvious, but lets check the math
  • We have one possible cut in x
Nb = 4
No = 4

print("Information gain ratio with x > 6:",
      info_gain(Nb, No, 2, 3) / entropy(5, 3))
Information gain ratio with x > 6: 0.05112447853477686
  • And usual threshold candidates in y
splits = {"0": (2, 0), "2": (3, 0), "4": (3, 1), "6": (4, 2)}

for threshold, (no, nb) in splits.items():
  print("Threshold = {}\t -> {}".format(threshold, info_gain(Nb, No, no, nb)))
Threshold = 0    -> 0.31127812445913283
Threshold = 2    -> 0.5487949406953986
Threshold = 4    -> 0.1887218755408671
Threshold = 6    -> 0.31127812445913283
print("Information gain ratio with y > 2:",
      info_gain(Nb, No, *splits["2"]) / entropy(2, 1, 1, 2, 2))
Information gain ratio with y > 2: 0.24390886253128827
  • And the tree is growing
tree = Digraph()

tree.edge("x > 4?\n[15, 15]", "blue\n[11, 0]", "No")
tree.edge("x > 4?\n[15, 15]", "x > 8?\n[4, 15]", "Yes")

tree.edge("x > 8?\n[4, 15]", "y > 2?\n[4, 4]", "No")
tree.edge("x > 8?\n[4, 15]", "orange\n[0, 11]", "Yes")

tree.edge("y > 2?\n[4, 4]", "blue\n[3, 0]", "No")
tree.edge("y > 2?\n[4, 4]", "[1, 4]", "Yes")



Branch y > 2

plt.xlim([5.5, 8.5])
plt.ylim([3.5, 8.5])



Nb = 1
No = 4

print("Information gain ratio with x > 6:",
      info_gain(Nb, No, 0, 3) / entropy(3, 2))
Information gain ratio with x > 6: 0.33155970728682876
print("Information gain ratio with y > 4:",
      info_gain(Nb, No, 0, 1) / entropy(1, 2, 2))

print("Information gain ratio with y > 6:",
      info_gain(Nb, No, 1, 2) / entropy(1, 2, 2))
Information gain ratio with y > 4: 0.047903442721748145
Information gain ratio with y > 6: 0.11232501392736344

The final tree

tree = Digraph()

tree.edge("x > 4?\n[15, 15]", "blue\n[11, 0]", "No")
tree.edge("x > 4?\n[15, 15]", "x > 8?\n[4, 15]", "Yes")

tree.edge("x > 8?\n[4, 15]", "y > 2?\n[4, 4]", "No")
tree.edge("x > 8?\n[4, 15]", "orange\n[0, 11]", "Yes")

tree.edge("y > 2?\n[4, 4]", "blue\n[3, 0]", "No")
tree.edge("y > 2?\n[4, 4]", "x > 6?\n[1, 4]", "Yes")

tree.edge("x > 6?\n[1, 4]", "orange\n[0, 3]", "No")
tree.edge("x > 6?\n[1, 4]", "y > 6?\n[1, 1]", "Yes")

tree.edge("y > 6?\n[1, 1]", "blue\n[1, 0]", "No")
tree.edge("y > 6?\n[1, 1]", "orange\n[0, 1]", "Yes")



  • It is likely that this tree is overfitted

  • We will proceed with pruning as it was explained

  • But first lets implement decision rules to measure accuracy

def tree_nominal(x, y):
  """Implementation of above tree"""
  if x <= 4:
    return "blue"
  elif x > 8:
    return "orange"
  elif y <= 2:
    return "blue"
  elif x <= 6:
    return "orange"
    return "orange" if y > 6 else "blue"

Sanity check

  • If the tree is built correctly we expect 100% accuracy on training set
for x, y in blue_train:
  print(tree_nominal(x, y), end=' ')
blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue blue
for x, y in orange_train:
  print(tree_nominal(x, y), end=' ') 
orange orange orange orange orange orange orange orange orange orange orange orange orange orange orange

Accuracy before pruning

def accuracy(samples, tree):
  """Just print the result of classification"""
  for x, y in samples:
    print("({}, {}) -> {}".format(x, y, tree(x, y)))
accuracy(blue_valid, tree_nominal)
(0, 6) -> blue
(2, 4) -> blue
(4, 0) -> blue
(4, 8) -> blue
(8, 2) -> blue
accuracy(orange_valid, tree)
(8, 4) -> blue
(10, 4) -> orange
(12, 0) -> orange
(12, 8) -> orange
(14, 6) -> orange

Pruning I

  • We want to prune last decision node y > 6

  • In general, majority decides about the leaf node class

  • As it is a tie here, lets check both

def tree_prune01a(x, y):
  """Implementation of above tree"""
  if x <= 4:
    return "blue"
  elif x > 8:
    return "orange"
  elif y <= 2:
    return "blue"
  elif x <= 6:
    return "orange"
    return "blue"

def tree_prune01b(x, y):
  """Implementation of above tree"""
  if x <= 4:
    return "blue"
  elif x > 8:
    return "orange"
  elif y <= 2:
    return "blue"
    return "orange"
accuracy(blue_valid, tree_prune01a)
(0, 6) -> blue
(2, 4) -> blue
(4, 0) -> blue
(4, 8) -> blue
(8, 2) -> blue
accuracy(orange_valid, tree_prune01a)
(8, 4) -> blue
(10, 4) -> orange
(12, 0) -> orange
(12, 8) -> orange
(14, 6) -> orange
  • Pruning does not change the accuracy

  • We always use Occam's razor and prune01a is preferred over nominal tree

  • But lets see how prune01b works

accuracy(blue_valid, tree_prune01b)
(0, 6) -> blue
(2, 4) -> blue
(4, 0) -> blue
(4, 8) -> blue
(8, 2) -> blue
accuracy(orange_valid, tree_prune01b)
(8, 4) -> orange
(10, 4) -> orange
(12, 0) -> orange
(12, 8) -> orange
(14, 6) -> orange
  • In this case we even get the increase of the accuracy

  • We decide to prune a tree by replacing y > 6 decision node with "orange" leaf node

  • Which automatically removes x > 6 decision node

tree = Digraph()

tree.edge("x > 4?\n[15, 15]", "blue\n[11, 0]", "No")
tree.edge("x > 4?\n[15, 15]", "x > 8?\n[4, 15]", "Yes")

tree.edge("x > 8?\n[4, 15]", "y > 2?\n[4, 4]", "No")
tree.edge("x > 8?\n[4, 15]", "orange\n[0, 11]", "Yes")

tree.edge("y > 2?\n[4, 4]", "blue\n[3, 0]", "No")
tree.edge("y > 2?\n[4, 4]", "orange\n[1, 4]", "Yes")



Pruning II

  • Now, lets see the accuracy after removing y > 2 node

  • It is once again a tie, so lets check both scenarios

def tree_prune02a(x, y):
  """Implementation of above tree"""
  if x <= 4:
    return "blue"
    return "orange"

def tree_prune02b(x, y):
  """Implementation of above tree"""
  if x <= 4:
    return "blue"
  elif x > 8:
    return "orange"
    return "blue"
accuracy(blue_valid, tree_prune02a)
(0, 6) -> blue
(2, 4) -> blue
(4, 0) -> blue
(4, 8) -> blue
(8, 2) -> orange
accuracy(orange_valid, tree_prune02a)
(8, 4) -> orange
(10, 4) -> orange
(12, 0) -> orange
(12, 8) -> orange
(14, 6) -> orange
accuracy(blue_valid, tree_prune02b)
(0, 6) -> blue
(2, 4) -> blue
(4, 0) -> blue
(4, 8) -> blue
(8, 2) -> blue
accuracy(orange_valid, tree_prune02b)
(8, 4) -> blue
(10, 4) -> orange
(12, 0) -> orange
(12, 8) -> orange
(14, 6) -> orange
  • In both cases the error increased

  • We stop pruning and leave the tree as it is in prune01b version


  • C4.5 algorithm gives the full and clear prescription for building decision trees

  • It may look as a long procedure, but it is only because I wanted to show everything step by step and avoid "after a few trivial steps..."

  • ID3/C4.5/C5.0 are based on information theory

  • There is alternative procedure based on gini impurity, which is used by CART


  • CART stands for Classification and Regression Tree

  • It was created independently from ID3 (more or less at the same time)

  • The main differences:

    • it creates binary trees (each decision node has two branches)

    • it uses gini impurity instead of information gain

    • it supports numerical target variables (regression)

Gini impurity

  • Let T = \{T_1, T_2, ..., T_n\} be the set of n classes

  • and P = \{p_1, p_2, ..., p_n\} be the probability distribution

  • where p_i is the probability that a sample belongs to class T_i

  • and 1 - p_i is the probability that it belongs to another class

  • Gini impurity is defines as

    I(P) = \sum\limits_{i=1}^n p_i\cdot (1 - p_i) = \sum\limits_{i=1}^n p_i - \sum\limits_{i=1}^n p_i^2 = 1 - \sum\limits_{i=1}^n p_i^2

  • As before (for entropy), lets consider two case scenario with P = (p, 1 - p), so gini impurity is given by I = 1 - p^2 - (1 - p)^2 = -2p(p - 1)

p = np.arange(0.01, 1.0, 0.01)

plt.ylabel("surprise factor")

plt.plot(p, -p * np.log2(p) - (1 - p) * np.log2(1 - p), label="Entropy");
plt.plot(p, -2*p*(p - 1), label="Gini impurity")



Play Golf

  • Lets consider once again Play Golf dataset
import pandas as pd

# first row = headers
src = ""

golf_data = pd.read_csv(src)
Outlook Temperature Humidity Windy Play golf
0 Rainy Hot High False No
1 Rainy Hot High True No
2 Overcast Hot High False Yes
3 Sunny Mild High False Yes
4 Sunny Cool Normal False Yes
5 Sunny Cool Normal True No
6 Overcast Cool Normal True Yes
7 Rainy Mild High False No
8 Rainy Cool Normal False Yes
9 Sunny Mild Normal False Yes
10 Rainy Mild Normal True Yes
11 Overcast Mild High True Yes
12 Overcast Hot Normal False Yes
13 Sunny Mild High True No

Gini impurity

  • We treat all values as they are continues

  • And consider all possible split

  • Every split leads to two subsets S_1 and S_2

  • And gini impurity for a set S for given split is given by:

    I(S) = \frac{|S_1|}{|S|}\cdot I(S_1) + \frac{|S_2|}{|S|}\cdot I(S_2)

def gini(*distribution):
  """Calculate gini impurity for given ditribution of samples"""
  sum2 = sum(distribution)**2  # normalization factor

  return 1 - sum([p**2 for p in distribution])/sum2
def gini_split(s1, s2, g1, g2):
  """Calcualte impurity for given split

  s1 -- the size of S1 subset
  s1 -- the size of S2 subset
  g1 -- I(S1)
  g2 -- I(S2)
  s = s1 + s2  # the total set size

  return s1/s * g1 + s2/s * g2
            | Play golf |
            | yes | no  |
      | yes |  2  |  3  | 5
rainy | no  |  7  |  2  | 9
               9     5
gini_split(5, 9, gini(2, 3), gini(7, 2))
            | Play golf |
            | yes | no  |
      | yes |  3  |  2  | 5
sunny | no  |  6  |  3  | 9
               9     5
gini_split(5, 9, gini(3, 2), gini(6, 3))
               | Play golf |
               | yes | no  |
         | yes |  4  |  0  | 4
overcast | no  |  5  |  5  | 10
                  9     5
gini_split(4, 10, gini(4, 0), gini(5, 5))
  • From Outlook feature the best choice is Overcast as it minimizes impurity

  • However, we would have to check other features and choose the best predictor from all possibilities

  • We have one step by step example done though

  • So lets use some tool

Scikit learn

  • One step by step example is behind us, so now lets use some tool

  • CART is implemented in scikit-learn

  • However, their implementation takes only numerical values

  • So we will use LabelDecoder to convert all values to numbers

from sklearn.preprocessing import LabelEncoder

# pandas.DataFrame.apply applies a function to given axis (0 by default)
# LabelEncoder encodes class labels with values between 0 and n-1
golf_data_num = golf_data.apply(LabelEncoder().fit_transform)
Outlook Temperature Humidity Windy Play golf
0 1 1 0 0 0
1 1 1 0 1 0
2 0 1 0 0 1
3 2 2 0 0 1
4 2 0 1 0 1
5 2 0 1 1 0
6 0 0 1 1 1
7 1 2 0 0 0
8 1 0 1 0 1
9 2 2 1 0 1
10 1 2 1 1 1
11 0 2 0 1 1
12 0 1 1 0 1
13 2 2 0 1 0
  • Now, lets splits our dataset to features and labels
# DataFrame.iloc makes an access thourgh indices
# we want all rows and first 4 columns for features
# and the last column for labels
data = np.array(golf_data_num.iloc[:, :4])
target = np.array(golf_data_num.iloc[:, 4])
  • Once data is prepared, creating a tree is as easy as 2 + 2 -1
from sklearn import tree

golf_tree = tree.DecisionTreeClassifier(), target);
  • sklearn.tree supports drawing a tree using graphviz
import graphviz

# dot is a graph description language
dot = tree.export_graphviz(golf_tree, out_file=None, 
                           class_names=["no", "yes"],  
                           filled=True, rounded=True,  

# we create a graph from dot source using graphviz.Source
graph = graphviz.Source(dot) 


  • Please note, that in the case of a real problem we would want to have a validation set and perform a pruning (scikit-learn does not support it though)


  • The difference now is that targets are numerical values (instead of categorical), e.g. in golf data - number of hours played instead of "yes / no"

  • Features may be either discrete or continuous

  • The idea is the same though - we want to create a binary tree and minimize the error on in each leaf

  • However, having continuous values as targets we can not simply use entropy or gini

  • We need to use different measurement - variance

    V(X) = \frac{1}{n}\sum\limits_{i=1}^n (x_i - \bar x)^2

  • where X = \{x_1, ..., x_n\} and \bar x is the average value

  • Note, that here x_i are equally likely

Simple example

  • Before we learn how to grow a regression tree, lets take a look how it works on a simple example

  • Lets consider data distributed according to x^2 (with some noise, obviously)

  • It means with have continuous features (x) and targets (y)

  • We will split by hand the domain in 0.3 and 0.6

X = np.random.sample(50)
Y = np.array([x**2 + np.random.normal(0, 0.05) for x in X])


plt.scatter(X, Y, color='b')
plt.plot([0.3, 0.3], [-0.2, 1.2], 'g--')
plt.plot([0.6, 0.6], [-0.2, 1.2], 'g--');


  • The corresponding tree would look like this
tree = Digraph()

tree.edge("x < 0.3?", "?", "No")
tree.edge("x < 0.3?", "x < 0.6?", "Yes")

tree.edge("x < 0.6?", "? ", "No")
tree.edge("x < 0.6?", "?  ", "Yes")



  • For each split lets find a value \bar y
def avg(X, Y, x_min, x_max):
  """Return the average value in (x_min, x_max) range"""
  n = 0    # number of samples in given split 
  avg = 0  # average value

  for x, y in zip(X, Y):
    if x >= x_min and x < x_max:
      n += 1
      avg += y

  return avg / n
plt.scatter(X, Y, color='b')

plt.plot([0.3, 0.3], [-0.2, 1.2], 'g--')
plt.plot([0.6, 0.6], [-0.2, 1.2], 'g--')

y = avg(X, Y, 0, 0.3)
plt.plot([0.0, 0.3], [y, y], 'r')

y = avg(X, Y, 0.3, 0.6)
plt.plot([0.3, 0.6], [y, y], 'r')

y = avg(X, Y, 0.6, 1)
plt.plot([0.6, 1.0], [y, y], 'r');


  • Alternatively, one could do linear regression for split

Growing a tree

  • The idea is similar as for numerical values in classification problems

  • For each feature we check all possible splits and calculate variance

  • We choose a binary split which minimzes variance

from sklearn.tree import DecisionTreeRegressor

# create a decision tree regressor
fit = DecisionTreeRegressor()

# and grow it (note that X must be reshaped), (-1, 1)), Y);
# prepare test sample with "newaxis" trick
X_test = np.arange(0.0, 1.0, 0.01)[:, np.newaxis]
Y_test = fit.predict(X_test)
plt.scatter(X, Y, color='b')
plt.plot(X_test, Y_test);


  • And this is a perfect example of overfitting

  • Each point was classified as a separate target

  • Beacause without any stopping criterion the tree is growing until there is a single point in a leaf

  • There are several strategies to pre-prune a tree:

    • define a max depth of a tree

    • define a minimum number of samples in a leaf

    • define a minimum impurity

    • define a minimum impurity decrease

  • Whatever method is chosen you get a hyperparameter

  • And we already know how to find an optimal hyperparameter: cross-validation

Tree: cross-validation

  • To make it easier to check all possible methods lets create a simple class to do that for us

  • It takes training data and hyperparameter name (as named in scikit-learn)

  • It can change hyperparameter

  • It can perform a cross-validation for a set of hyperparameter values

  • It can make accuracy and best fit plots

from sklearn.model_selection import cross_val_score
from sklearn.tree import DecisionTreeRegressor

class TreeCV:
  """Perform a cross-validation for chosen hyperparameter"""

  def __init__(self, X, Y, hp="max_depth"):
    """Save training data"""
    self.X = X    # features
    self.Y = Y    # targets
    self.hp = hp  # hyperparameter

  def set_method(self, hp):
    """Set hyperparameter to use"""
    self.hp = hp

  def cross_me(self, *hp_vals):
    """Perform cross validation for given hyperparameter values"""
    self.scores = []  # the accuracy table = None  # the best fit

    best_score = 0

    for hp in hp_vals:
      # create a tree with given hyperparameter cut
      fit = DecisionTreeRegressor(**{self.hp: hp})

      # calculate a cross validation scores and a mean value
      score = cross_val_score(fit, np.reshape(X, (-1, 1)), Y).mean()

      # update best fit if necessary
      if score > best_score: = fit
        best_score = score

      self.scores.append([hp, score])

    # train the best fit, (-1, 1)), Y)

  def plot(self):
    """Plot accuracy as a function of hyperparameter values and best fit"""
    plt.figure(figsize=(15, 5))

    plt.subplot(1, 2, 1)



    plt.subplot(1, 2, 2)

    X_test = np.arange(0.0, 1.0, 0.01)[:, np.newaxis]
    Y_test =

    plt.scatter(self.X, self.Y, color='b', marker='.', label="Training data")
    plt.plot(X_test, X_test * X_test, 'g', label="True distribution")    
    plt.plot(X_test, Y_test, 'r', label="Decision tree")


Traning dataset

X = np.random.sample(200)
Y = np.array([x**2 + np.random.normal(0, 0.05) for x in X])


tree_handler = TreeCV(X, Y)
tree_handler.cross_me(*range(1, 10))



tree_handler.cross_me(*range(1, 10))



# min_impurity_split is depracated so lets disable warnings
import warnings
warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", category=DeprecationWarning)
tree_handler.cross_me(*np.arange(0.0, 5e-3, 1e-4))



tree_handler.cross_me(*np.arange(0.0, 5e-4, 1e-5))


Bias-Variance trade-off

       /\                |                /\
      /  \               |               /  \
     /    \              |              /    \
    /      \             |             /      \
   /        \            |            /        \
  / variance \           |           /   bias   \
  ^^^^^^^^^^^^           |           ^^^^^^^^^^^^
overfitting   <----------+--------->   underfitting
  • Bias is an error coming from wrong model assumptions, which do not allow an algorithm to learn all patterns from training data.

  • Variance is an error coming from sensivity to features specific for training data.

  • High bias leads to underfitting and high variance to overfitting.

  • Total error also depends on irreducible error (noise that can not be reduced by algorithm)

  • Ultmiate goal is to minimize the total error

# fake bias, variance and noise
complexity = np.arange(1, 2, 0.1)
variance = np.power(complexity, 5)
bias2 = variance[::-1]
irreducible = [10*np.random.normal(abs(x - 1.5), 0.01) for x in complexity]

# total error = variance + bias^2 + irreducible
total = variance + bias2 + irreducible


plt.xlabel("Algorithm complexity")

plt.plot(complexity, variance, 'C0o-', label='Variance')
plt.plot(complexity, bias2, 'C1o-', label="Bias^2")
plt.plot(complexity, total, 'C2o-', label="Total = Bias^2 + Variance + Irreducible error")

plt.plot([1.5, 1.5], [0, 25], 'C3--')

plt.text(1.0, 7, "$\longleftarrow$ better chance of generalizing", color='C0')
plt.text(1.6, 7, "better chance of approximating $\longrightarrow$", color='C1')



  • Decision trees are sensitive to splits - small changes in training data may change a tree structure

    • deep trees tend to have high variance and low bias

    • shallow trees tend to have low variance and high bias

Quick math


  • The general goal of regression is to find how some dependent variable (target, y) is changing when independent variable (feature, x) varies

  • Lets assume there is some true relationship describing this dependence y = f(x)

  • We want to find f(x) from observations of (x, y) pairs

  • Although, in real life we get some noisy observation, so y = f(x) + \epsilon

  • As we do not know function f(x) we want to approximate it with some other function g(x) (estimator)

  • In general, g(x) is a parametrized model which can take many possible functional form

    • e.g. g(x) = a\cdot x^2 + b\cdot x + c can take different coefficients (based on a training dataset)

Bias and variance

  • Lets imagine there are N possible training datasets \{D_1, D_2, ..., D_N\}

  • For a given dataset one gets an estimators g^{(D)}(x)

  • Lets denote the expected estimator by \mathbf{E}_{D}\left[g^{(D)}(x)\right] \equiv \bar g(x)

  • If N is large we can approximate it by an average over all datasets (law of large numbers)

    \bar g(x) \approx \frac{1}{N}\sum\limits_{i=1}^N g^{(D_i)}(x)

  • The variance of an estimator tells us how far particular predictions are from the mean value

    var = \mathbf{E}_{D}\left[\left(g^{(D)}(x) - \bar g(x)\right)^2\right]

  • Thus, if the training does not depend on the choice of a dataset the variance is low

  • The bias of an estimator tells us how far the mean value is from the true value

    bias = \bar g(x) - f(x)

  • Thus, if the model decribes data accurately the bias is low

  • Please note the hidden assumption that all possible values of x are equally likely

Goodness of a model

  • The common practice to determine the goodness of a model fit is to calculate mean squared error

  • The mean squared error is, well, the mean value of error squared:

    mse = \mathbf{E}_{x}\left[\mathbf{E}_{D}\left[\left(g^{(D)}(x) - y\right)^2\right]\right]

  • Lets consider MSE for a particlar point x, y = f(x) + \epsilon, so

    mse = \mathbf{E}_{D}\left[\left(g^{(D)}(x) - y\right)^2\right] = \mathbf{E}_{D}\left[\left(g^{(D)}(x)\right)^2\right]- 2\cdot\mathbf{E}_{D}\left[g^{(D)}(x)\cdot y\right] + \mathbf{E}_{D}\left[y^2\right]

  • Here, we used the linearity of the expected value operator. Lets use another common property: \mathbf{E}\left[X^2\right] = \mathbf{E}\left[\left(X - \mathbf{E}\left[X\right]\right)^2\right] + \mathbf{E}\left[X\right]^2

  • So the first term can be rewritten in the form

    \mathbf{E}_{D}\left[\left(g^{(D)}(x)\right)^2\right] = \mathbf{E}_{D}\left[\left(g^{(D)}(x) - \mathbf{E}_{D}\left[g^{(D)}(x)\right]\right)^2\right] + \mathbf{E}_{D}\left[g^{(D)}(x)\right]^2 = \mathbf{E}_{D}\left[\left(g^{(D)}(x) - \bar g(x)\right)^2\right] + \left(\bar g(x)\right)^2

  • And the last term

    \mathbf{E}_{D}\left[y^2\right] = \mathbf{E}_{D}\left[\left(y - \mathbf{E}_{D}\left[y\right]\right)^2\right] + \mathbf{E}_{D}\left[y\right]^2 = \mathbf{E}_{D}\left[\left(y - f(x)\right)^2\right] + \left(f(x)\right)^2

  • Here, we used the fact that \mathbf{E}_{D}\left[y\right] = f(x) (noise would average out when averaging over infinite number of datasets)

  • For the middle term we use the fact that for independent X and Y: \mathbf{E}\left[XY\right] = \mathbf{E}\left[X\right]\cdot\mathbf{E}\left[Y\right], so \mathbf{E}_{D}\left[g^{(D)}(x)\cdot y\right] = \bar g(x)\cdot f(x)

  • Taking all together we get

    mse = \underbrace{\mathbf{E}_{D}\left[\left(g^{(D)}(x) - \bar g(x)\right)^2\right]}_{variance} + \underbrace{\left(\bar g(x) - f(x)\right)^2}_{bias^2} + \underbrace{\mathbf{E}_{D}\left[\left(y - f(x)\right)^2\right]}_{noise}


  • Lets consider f(x) = \sin(\pi x)

  • With a noise given by a zero-mean Gaussian with a variance \sigma^2

  • So the observation y = f(x) + \mathcal{N}(0, \sigma^2)

from math import sin, cos, pi, exp

def get_dataset(N=20, sigma=0.1):
  """Generate N training samples"""
  # X is a set of random points from [-1, 1]
  X = 2 * np.random.sample(N) - 1
  # Y are corresponding target values (with noise included)
  Y = np.array([sin(pi*x) + np.random.normal(0, sigma) for x in X])

  return X, Y

# plot a sample
X, Y = get_dataset()

x_ = np.arange(-1, 1, 0.01)

plt.scatter(X, Y, color='C1')
plt.plot(x_, np.sin(np.pi * x_), 'C0--');


  • We do not know f(x)

  • We assume it is a polynomial

  • Lets consider polynomials of orders: 1 - 9

    • g_1(x) = a_1\cdot x + a_0

    • g_2(x) = a_2\cdot x^2 + \cdots + a_0

    • g_3(x) = a_3\cdot x^3 + \cdots + a_0

    • ...

  • Lets assume we have 100 independent dataset

  • Each one has 20 points (x, y = \sin(\pi x) + \mathcal{N}(0, \sigma^2))

# generate 100 datasets with default settings
datasets = [get_dataset() for i in range(100)]

# and plot them all together with true signal
for i in range(100):
  plt.scatter(datasets[i][0], datasets[i][1], marker='.')

plt.plot(x_, np.sin(np.pi * x_), 'C0--');


  • Now we need to fit each polynomial to each dataset separately
def get_fit(N, data):
  """Find a fit of polynomial of order N to data = (X, Y)"""
  return np.poly1d(np.polyfit(data[0], data[1], N))

# for the whole range of possible polynomials orders
# create a list of fits to different datasets
fits = [[get_fit(order, data) for data in datasets] for order in range(1, 10)]
plt.figure(figsize=(13, 10))

for order in range(1, 10):
  plt.subplot(3, 3, order)

  for g in fits[order - 1]:
    plt.plot(x_, g(x_), 'C1-', linewidth=0.1)

  plt.plot(x_, np.sin(np.pi * x_), 'C0--')

  plt.title("Polynomial of order {}".format(order));



Training and test errors

  • In real life is impossible (unless one creates data by hand) to calculate true variance and bias

  • One would need all possible datasets D and all possible input values x

  • Thus, usually one looks at training and test errors

    • Training error is measured on the data used to make a fit

    • Test/validation error is measured on unseen data

# fake error
complexity = np.arange(0.1, 2, 0.1)
train_error = -np.log(complexity)
test_error = -np.log(complexity) + np.power(complexity, 1)


plt.xlabel("Algorithm complexity")

plt.plot(complexity, train_error, 'C0o-', label='Training error')
plt.plot(complexity, test_error, 'C1o-', label="Test error")

plt.text(0.1, 0.25, "$\longleftarrow$ high bias", color='C0')
plt.text(1.5, 0.25, "high variance $\longrightarrow$", color='C1')



  • High training error indicates high bias (which means underfitting)

  • Training error must decrease with model complexity

  • If the training error is high:

    • Use more complex model (or new model architecture)

    • Use more features - maybe there is just not enough information to make a good prediction

    • Train longer (if the algorithm is an iterative optimization problem)

    • Decrease regularization (next lecture)

  • Test error deacreses with model complexity up to a point when algorithm is to sensitive to features seen in training data

  • If test error starts to increase it indicates high variance (which means overfitting)

  • If test error is high:

    • Use more data - easy to say hard to do...

    • Use less features

    • Increase regularization

    • Use different model

Ensemble learning

  • Lets first define a weak learner as a classifier which is just slighlty better than random guessing

  • The idea behind ensemble learning is to create a strong learner as a combination of many weak learners

  • We will discuss two popular ensemble methods:

    • Bagging (bootstrap aggregating), e.g. random forest

    • Boosting, e.g. boosted decision tress

Random forest

  • Once we know a way to produce a tree we can create a forest

  • And each tree contributes to a final prediction

  • It is a random forest, because each tree is randomly incomplete - trained only on a random subsets of samples and features (features bagging)

  • The final prediction of a random forest is an avearge predictions (for regression) or a majority vote (classification)

Intuitive / naive example

  • Imagine you want to go to a cinema and need to choose a movie to watch

  • You can ask a friend about the recommendation

    • She/he would ask you about movies you watched in the past

    • and (based on your answers) create a set of rules (a decision tree)

    • to finally recommend you a movie (make a prediction)

  • Alternatively, you can ask many friends for an advice

    • Each friend would ask you random questions to give an answer

    • At the end, you choose a movie with most votes

The algorithm

  • Lets imagine we have N samples in our dataset (e.g. N movies you watched)

  • Each sample has M features (e.g. do you like a movie? do you like the leading actor / actress or director?)

  • To create a tree take n random samples from the dataset and at each node select m << M features (m \sim \sqrt M) to find the best predictor

  • Repeat the procedure for next trees until you reach desired size of a forest

                    |            |
                    |   Dataset  |
         +----------+            +----------+
         |          | N features |          |
         |          |            |          |
         v          +------------+          v                    Hyperparameters:

+-----------------+                 +-----------------+
|                 |                 |                 |
| Random subset 1 |      . . .      | Random subset T |
|                 |                 |                 |              - the number of trees
|   N features    |                 |   N features    |              - the size of subsets
|                 |                 |                 |
+--------+--------+                 +--------+--------+
         |                                   |
         v                                   v

+-----------------+                 +-----------------+
|                 |                 |                 |
|     Tree 1      |      . . .      |     Tree T      |
|                 |                 |                 |
+--------+--------+                 +-----------------+
         |          +-------------+          +--------+
         |          |             |          |        |
         +--------> | M1 features +--------> | Node 1 |              - the number of random features
         |          |             |          |        |              - the size of a single tree
         |          +-------------+          +--------+
         |          +-------------+          +--------+
         |          |             |          |        |
         +--------> | M2 features +--------> | Node 2 |
         |          |             |          |        |
         |          +-------------+          +--------+


Boosted trees

  • The idea is similar to bagging

  • The key differences are:

    • Data is reweighted every time a weak learner is added (so future learners focus on misclassified samples)

    • The final prediction is weighted average (better classifiers have higher weights)

                            Bagging (parallel)

       +--------------------+                +----------------+
       |                    |                |                |
+----> |      Dataset       +--------------> | Weak learner 1 |
|      |                    |                |                |
|      +--------------------+                +----------------+
|      +--------------------+                +----------------+
|      |                    |                |                |
+----> |      Dataset       +------------->  | Weak learner 2 |
|      |                    |                |                |
|      +--------------------+       .        +----------------+
|                                   .
|                                   .
|      +--------------------+                +----------------+
|      |                    |                |                |
+----> |      Dataset       +------------->  | Weak learner N |
       |                    |                |                |
       +--------------------+                +----------------+

\hspace{140pt}\text{output} = \frac{1}{N}\sum \text{output}_i

                          Boosting (sequential)

      +--------------------+                +----------------+
      |                    |                |                |
      |      Dataset       +--------------> | Weak learner 1 |
      |                    |                |                |
      +--------------------+                +--------+-------+

      +--------------------+                +----------------+
      |                    |                |                |
      | Reweighted dataset +------------->  | Weak learner 2 |
      |                    |                |                |
      +--------------------+                +--------+-------+
                +------------     . . .      --------+

      +--------------------+                +----------------+
      |                    |                |                |
      | Reweighted dataset +------------->  | Weak learner N |
      |                    |                |                |
      +--------------------+                +----------------+

\hspace{130pt}\text{output} = \sum w_i\cdot \text{output}_i


  • AdaBoost is on of the most famous algorithms in machine learning

  • Y. Freund and R. Schapire got a Gödel Prize for this

  • Lets consider N labled training examples (x_1, y_1), \cdots, (x_N, y_N), where x_i \in X and y_i = \left\{-1, 1\right\}

  • The initial distribution is initizlized with D_1(i) = \frac{1}{N}, where i = 1, \cdots, N (so every sample is equaly likely)

  • For t = 1, \cdots, T:

    • train a weak learner using D_t, h_t: X \rightarrow \left\{-1, 1\right\}

    • choose the one which minimizes the weighted error

      \epsilon_t = \sum\limits_{i=1}^{N}D_t(i)\delta\left(h_t(x_i)\neq y_i\right)

    • calculate \alpha_t

      \alpha_t = \frac{1}{2}\ln\left(\frac{1 - \epsilon_t}{\epsilon_t}\right)

    • For i = 1, \cdots, N update weights according to

      D_{t+1} = \frac{D_t(i)}{Z_t}\begin{cases}e^{-\alpha_t} & h_t(x_i) = y_i \\ e^{\alpha_t} & h_t(x_i) \neq y_i \end{cases} = \frac{D_t(i)}{Z_t}e^{-\alpha_ty_ih_t(x_i)}

    • Z_t is a normilization factor so D_{t+1} is a distribution

      Z_t = \sum\limits_{i=1}^ND_t(i)e^{-\alpha_ty_ih_t(x_i)}

  • The final hyptohesis H is computes the sign of a weighted combination of weak hypotheses

    H(x) = \text{sign}\left(\sum\limits_{t=1}^T\alpha_th_t(x)\right)

Out-of-bag error

  • Out-of-bag (OOB) error may be used for machine learning models using bootstrap aggregation (like random forest and boosted trees) instead of cross-validation

  • Bagging involves random sampling with replacement

  • Some samples are not used in the training process (out-of-bag samples) and therefore can be used to calculate test error

  • OOB error is the average error over all training samples calculated using predictions from weak classifiers which do not contain particular sample in their bootstrap samples


  • Lets consider some fake data generated with make_blobs from scikit-learn

  • and then apply decision trees with different maximum depths

  • and random forests with different maximum depths


  • sklearn.datasets.make_blobs allows to generate random Gaussian blobs

  • We generate 8 blobs with fixed random generator (just to make sure we get the same set every time)

from sklearn.datasets import make_blobs

# generate 5 blobs with fixed random generator
X, Y = make_blobs(n_samples=500, centers=8, random_state=300)

plt.scatter(*X.T, c=Y, marker='.', cmap='Dark2');


Train and visualize

  • To make our life easier we create a function to

    • plot training data on existing axes or new one (if not provided)

    • train given classifier on given dataset

    • create countours representing predictions of the classifier

def train_and_look(classifier, X, Y, ax=None, title='', cmap='Dark2'):
  """Train classifier on (X,Y). Plot data and prediction."""
  # create new axis if not provided
  ax = ax or plt.gca();


  # plot training data
  ax.scatter(*X.T, c=Y, marker='.', cmap=cmap)

  # train a cliassifier, Y)

  # create a grid of testing points
  x_, y_ = np.meshgrid(np.linspace(*ax.get_xlim(), num=200),
                       np.linspace(*ax.get_ylim(), num=200))

  # convert to an array of 2D points
  test_data = np.vstack([x_.ravel(), y_.ravel()]).T

  # make a prediction and reshape to grid structure 
  z_ = classifier.predict(test_data).reshape(x_.shape)

  # arange z bins so class labels are in the middle
  z_levels = np.arange(len(np.unique(Y)) + 1) - 0.5

  # plot contours corresponding to classifier prediction
  ax.contourf(x_, y_, z_, alpha=0.25, cmap=cmap, levels=z_levels)
  • Let check how it works on a decision tree classifier with default sklearn setting
from sklearn.tree import DecisionTreeClassifier as DT

train_and_look(DT(), X, Y)


Decision tree

  • We consider decision trees with fixed maximum depths from 1 to 9
# create a figure with 9 axes 3x3
fig, ax = plt.subplots(3, 3, figsize=(15,15))

# train and look at decision trees with different max depth
for max_depth in range(0, 9):
  train_and_look(DT(max_depth=max_depth + 1), X, Y,
                 ax=ax[max_depth // 3][max_depth % 3],
                 title="Max depth = {}".format(max_depth + 1))


  • max_depth <= 3 - undefitting
  • max_depth <= 6 - quite good
  • max_depth > 6 - overfitting

Random forest

  • Lets do the same with random forests (100 trees in each forest)
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier as RF

# create a figure with 9 axes 3x3
fig, ax = plt.subplots(3, 3, figsize=(15,15))

# train and look at decision trees with different max depth
for max_depth in range(0, 9):
  train_and_look(RF(n_estimators=100, max_depth=max_depth + 1), X, Y,
                 ax=ax[max_depth // 3][max_depth % 3],
                 title="Max depth = {}".format(max_depth + 1))


  • The combination of shallow trees (weak learners) does a good job

  • Overfitting is somehow prevented


  • The most important lesson today: bias-variance trade-off

    • For the lecture easy examples are chosen so they can be visualize

    • In real life problems, it is hard / impossible to determine using "bye eye" method if the model is underfitted or overfitted

    • Note, that actually you should never used this method even if you think "your eye" is right - you would be surprised how it is not

    • One needs a way to measure the goodnes of a model - usually mean squared error

    • In practice, most people use cross-calidation technique

  • The biggest advantages of decision trees algoritms is that they are east to interpret (it is easy to explain even to non-experts how they work, which is not the case with e.g. deep neural networks)

  • Usually, decision trees are used as weak learners in ensemble learning

  • The most famous boosting algorithm is AdaBoost, because it is a good one and the first one. Although, there are many other boosting methods on market right now with XGBoost being one of the most popular one

  • As for today, deep learning has better publicity, but boosted trees are still one of the most common algorithms used in Kaggle competitions

  • Boosted trees are also popular among physicist and used by them as an alternative to neural networks for experimental elementary particle physics in event reconstruction procedures