k-Nearest Neighbors

useful (but not interesting) functions

  • Here, I just define some functions used for making demo plots during the introduction.

  • Feel free to look at them later (especially if you are not familiar with numpy and matplotlib).

  • But now let's skip them.

# numpy and matplotlib will be used a lot during the lecture
# if you are familiar with these libraries you may skip this part
# if not - extended comments were added to make it easier to understand

# it is kind of standard to import numpy as np and pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# used later to apply different colors in for loops
mpl_colors = ('r', 'b', 'g', 'c', 'm', 'y', 'k', 'w')

# just to overwrite default colab style

def generate_random_points(size=10, low=0, high=1):
  """Generate a set of random 2D points

  size -- number of points to generate
  low  -- min value
  high -- max value
  # random_sample([size]) returns random numbers with shape defined by size
  # e.g.
  # >>> np.random.random_sample((2, 3))
  # array([[ 0.44013807,  0.77358569,  0.64338619],
  #        [ 0.54363868,  0.31855232,  0.16791031]])
  return (high - low) * np.random.random_sample((size, 2)) + low

def init_plot(x_range=None, y_range=None, x_label="$x_1$", y_label="$x_2$"):
  """Set axes limits and labels

  x_range -- [min x, max x]
  y_range -- [min y, max y]
  x_label -- string
  y_label -- string

  # subplots returns figure and axes
  # (in general you may want many axes on one figure)
  # we do not need fig here
  # but we will apply changes (including adding points) to axes
  _, ax = plt.subplots(dpi=70)

  # set grid style and color
  ax.grid(c='0.70', linestyle=':')

  # set axes limits (x_range and y_range is a list with two elements)

  # set axes labels

  # return axes so we can continue modyfing them later
  return ax

def plot_random_points(style=None, color=None):
  """Generate and plot two (separated) sets of random points

  style -- latter group points style (default as first)
  color -- latter group color (default as first)

  # create a plot with x and y ranges from 0 to 2.5
  ax = init_plot([0, 2.5], [0, 2.5])

  # add two different sets of random points
  # first set = 5 points from [0.5, 1.0]x[0.5, 1.0]
  # second set = 5 points from [1.5, 2.0]x[1.5, 2.0]
  # generate_random_points return a numpy array in the format like
  # [[x1, y1], [x2, y2], ..., [xn, yn]]
  # pyplot.plt take separately arrays with X and Y, like
  # plot([x1, x2, x3], [y1, y2, y3])
  # thus, we transpose numpy array to the format
  # [[x1, x2, ..., xn], [y1, y2, ..., yn]]
  # and unpack it with *
  ax.plot(*generate_random_points(5, 0.5, 1.0).T, 'ro')
  ax.plot(*generate_random_points(5, 1.5, 2.0).T, style or 'ro')

  return ax

def plot_an_example(style=None, color=None, label="Class"):
  """Plot an example of supervised or unsupervised learning"""
  ax = plot_random_points(style, color)

  # circle areas related to each set of points
  # pyplot.Circle((x, y), r); (x, y) - the center of a circle; r - radius
  # lw - line width
  ax.add_artist(plt.Circle((0.75, 0.75), 0.5, fill=0, color='r', lw=2))
  ax.add_artist(plt.Circle((1.75, 1.75), 0.5, fill=0, color=color or 'r', lw=2))

  # put group labels
  # pyplot.text just put arbitrary text in given coordinates
  ax.text(0.65, 1.4, label + " I", fontdict={'color': 'r'})
  ax.text(1.65, 1.1, label + " II", fontdict={'color': color or 'r'})

Our first ML problem

  • Two classes: red circles and blue squares (training samples)

  • Where does the green triangle (test sample) belong?

X1 = generate_random_points(20, 0, 1)
X2 = generate_random_points(20, 1, 2)

new_point = generate_random_points(1, 0, 2)

plot = init_plot([0, 2], [0, 2])  # [0, 2] x [0, 2]

plot.plot(*X1.T, 'ro', *X2.T, 'bs', *new_point.T, 'g^');


Nearest Neighbor

  • The nearest neigbor classifier compares a test sample with all training samples to predict a label (class).

  • How to compare two samples?

    • L1 distance: d(\vec x_1, \vec x_2) = \sum\limits_i |x_1^i - x_2^i|

    • L2 distance: d(\vec x_1, \vec x_2) = \sqrt{\sum\limits_i (x_1^i - x_2^i)^2}

      • note: in practice square root is ignored (becasue is monotonic function)

      • L2 is less forgiving than L1 - prefers many small disagreements than one big one

    • cosine distance (cosine similarity): d(\vec x_1, \vec x_2) = \frac{x_1 \cdot x_1}{||\vec x_1|| \cdot ||\vec x_2||}

    • Chebyshev distance: d(\vec x_1, \vec x_2) = max_i(|x_1^i - x_2^i|)

    • and many others

  • The closest one determines the test sample label


  • The implementation of nearest neighbor algorithm is pretty straightforward

  • There is no real training process here - we just need to remember all training feature vectors and corresponding labels

  • To predict a label for new sample we just need to find the label of the closest point from training samples

class NearestNeighbor():
  """Nearest Neighbor Classifier"""

  def __init__(self, distance=0):
    """Set distance definition: 0 - L1, 1 - L2"""
    if distance == 0:
      self.distance = np.abs     # absolute value
    elif distance == 1:
      self.distance = np.square  # square root
      raise Exception("Distance not defined.")

  def train(self, x, y):
    """Train the classifier (here simply save training data)

    x -- feature vectors (N x D)
    y -- labels (N x 1)
    self.x_train = x
    self.y_train = y

  def predict(self, x):
    """Predict and return labels for each feature vector from x

    x -- feature vectors (N x D)
    predictions = []  # placeholder for N labels

    # loop over all test samples
    for x_test in x:
      # array of distances between current test and all training samples
      distances = np.sum(self.distance(self.x_train - x_test), axis=1)

      # get the closest one
      min_index = np.argmin(distances)

      # add corresponding label

    return predictions

The magic of numpy

  • NumPy is irreplacable tool for numerical operations on arrays

  • Using numpy we could easily find all distances using one line

distances = np.sum(self.distance(self.x_train - x_test), axis=1)
  • Here is how it works
# let's create an array with 5x2 shape
a = np.random.random_sample((5, 2))

# and another array with 1x2 shape
b = np.array([[1., 1.]])

print(a, b, sep="\n\n")
[[0.79036457 0.36571819]
 [0.76743991 0.08439684]
 [0.56876884 0.97967839]
 [0.77020776 0.21238365]
 [0.94235534 0.73884472]]

[[1. 1.]]
# subtract arguments (element-wise)
# note, that at least one dimension must be the same 
print(a - b)
[[-0.20963543 -0.63428181]
 [-0.23256009 -0.91560316]
 [-0.43123116 -0.02032161]
 [-0.22979224 -0.78761635]
 [-0.05764466 -0.26115528]]
# numpy.abs calculates absolute value (element-wise)
print(np.abs(a - b))
[[0.20963543 0.63428181]
 [0.23256009 0.91560316]
 [0.43123116 0.02032161]
 [0.22979224 0.78761635]
 [0.05764466 0.26115528]]
# sum all elements
np.sum(np.abs(a - b))
# sum elements over a given axis
np.sum(np.abs(a - b), axis=0)
array([1.16086358, 2.61897821])
np.sum(np.abs(a - b), axis=1)
array([0.84391724, 1.14816326, 0.45155276, 1.01740859, 0.31879994])


  • Before we start using NearestNeighbor let's create a simple mini-framework to apply NN and visualize results easily

  • We want to initilize NearestNeighbor with some feature vectors (and automatically assign labels for each class)

  • We want our test samples to be a grid of uniformly distributed points

  • We want methods to process test data and to make a plots with final results

class Analysis():
  """Apply NearestNeighbor to generated (uniformly) test samples."""

  def __init__(self, *x, distance):
    """Generate labels and initilize classifier

    x -- feature vectors arrays
    distance -- 0 for L1, 1 for L2    
    # get number of classes
    self.nof_classes = len(x)

    # create lables array
    # np.ones creates an array of given shape filled with 1 of given type
    # we apply consecutive integer numbers as class labels
    # ravel return flatten array
    y = [i * np.ones(_x.shape[0], dtype=np.int) for i, _x in enumerate(x)]
    y = np.array(y).ravel()

    # save training samples to plot them later
    self.x_train = x

    # merge feature vector arrays for NearestNeighbor
    x = np.concatenate(x, axis=0)

    # train classifier
    self.nn = NearestNeighbor(distance)
    self.nn.train(x, y)

  def prepare_test_samples(self, low=0, high=2, step=0.01):
    """Generate a grid with test points (from low to high with step)"""
    # remember range
    self.range = [low, high]

    # start with grid of points from [low, high] x [low, high]
    grid = np.mgrid[low:high+step:step, low:high+step:step]

    # convert to an array of 2D points
    self.x_test = np.vstack([grid[0].ravel(), grid[1].ravel()]).T

  def analyse(self):
    """Run classifier on test samples and split them according to labels."""

    # find labels for test samples 
    self.y_test = self.nn.predict(self.x_test)

    self.classified = []  # [class I test points, class II test ...]

    # loop over available labels
    for label in range(self.nof_classes):
      # if i-th label == current label -> add test[i]
      class_i = np.array([self.x_test[i] \
                          for i, l in enumerate(self.y_test) \
                          if l == label])

  def plot(self, t=''):
    """Visualize the result of classification"""
    plot = init_plot(self.range, self.range)

    # plot training samples
    for i, x in enumerate(self.x_train):
      plot.plot(*x.T, mpl_colors[i] + 'o')

    # plot test samples
    for i, x in enumerate(self.classified):
      plot.plot(*x.T, mpl_colors[i] + ',')

L1 test

l1 = Analysis(X1, X2, distance=0)


L2 Test

l2 = Analysis(X1, X2, distance=1)


Multiclass classification

  • Training samples from 4 squares:

    • [0, 1] x [0, 1]
    • [0, 1] x [1, 2]
    • [1, 2] x [0, 1]
    • [1, 2] x [1, 2]
  • We expect 4 squares created by test samples grid

  • How does it depend on the size of training samples?

def generate4(n=50):
  """Generate 4 sets of random points."""

  # points from [0, 1] x [0, 1]
  X1 = generate_random_points(n, 0, 1)
  # points from [1, 2] x [1, 2]
  X2 = generate_random_points(n, 1, 2)
  # points from [0, 1] x [1, 2]
  X3 = np.array([[x, y+1] for x,y in generate_random_points(n, 0, 1)])
  # points from [1, 2] x [0, 1]
  X4 = np.array([[x, y-1] for x,y in generate_random_points(n, 1, 2)])

  return X1, X2, X3, X4
# loop over no. of training samples
for n in (5, 10, 50, 100):
  # generate 4 sets of random points (each one with n samples)
  # unpack them when passing to Analysis
  c4 = Analysis(*generate4(n), distance=1)
  c4.plot("No. of samples = {}".format(n))





Message 01: size matters!


  • Data are rarely perfect and you may expect some training samples to have unsual features

  • Features shared by a majority of training samples are more important than a single occurrence

  • Let's add some noise to our data and see how Nearest Neighbor deal with it

# generate 4 classes of 2D points
X1, X2, X3, X4 = generate4()

# add some noise by applying gaussian to every point coordinates
noise = lambda x, y: [np.random.normal(x, 0.1), np.random.normal(y, 0.1)]

X1 = np.array([noise(x, y) for x, y in X1])
X2 = np.array([noise(x, y) for x, y in X2])
X3 = np.array([noise(x, y) for x, y in X3])
X4 = np.array([noise(x, y) for x, y in X4])

# perform analysis
c4 = Analysis(X1, X2, X3, X4, distance=1)



  • The above is an example of overfitting

    • perfectly describe training data
    • lose the generalization ability
  • In general you want to extract all common features from training samples, but neglect characteristic features of single sample

Message 02: avoid overfitting!


  • Accuracy defines the fraction of (unseen) samples which are correctly classify by the algorithm
accuracy = 0

# loop over (sample, reconstructed label)
for sample, label in zip(c4.x_test, c4.y_test):
  # determine true label
  if sample[0] < 1 and sample[1] < 1:
    true_label = 0
  elif sample[0] > 1 and sample[1] > 1:
    true_label = 1
  elif sample[0] < 1 and sample[1] > 1:
    true_label = 2
    true_label = 3

  if true_label == label: accuracy += 1

accuracy /= len(c4.x_test)

  • Please note, that this is a toy model - in the case of real problems there is no way to determine true labels (otherwise there is no point to use ML methods...)

  • To measure accuracy of the model one usually splits data into:

    • training samples (usually about 80%)

    • test samples (usually about 20%)

  • After the model is trained on training samples, the accuracy is measured on test samples

Message 03: keep some data for testing!

k-Nearest Neighbors

  • Instead of letting one closest neighbor to decide, let k nearest neghbors to vote


  • We can base the implementation on NearestNeighbor, but

  • The constructor has an extra parameter k

  • and we need to override predict method

class kNearestNeighbors(NearestNeighbor):
  """k-Nearest Neighbor Classifier"""

  def __init__(self, k=1, distance=0):
    """Set distance definition: 0 - L1, 1 - L2"""
    self.k = k

  def predict(self, x):
    """Predict and return labels for each feature vector from x

    x -- feature vectors (N x D)
    predictions = []  # placeholder for N labels

    # no. of classes = max label (labels starts from 0)
    nof_classes = np.amax(self.y_train) + 1

    # loop over all test samples
    for x_test in x:
      # array of distances between current test and all training samples
      distances = np.sum(self.distance(self.x_train - x_test), axis=1)

      # placeholder for labels votes
      votes = np.zeros(nof_classes, dtype=np.int)

      # find k closet neighbors and vote
      # argsort returns the indices that would sort an array
      # so indices of nearest neighbors
      # we take self.k first
      for neighbor_id in np.argsort(distances)[:self.k]:
        # this is a label corresponding to one of the closest neighbor
        neighbor_label = self.y_train[neighbor_id]
        # which updates votes array
        votes[neighbor_label] += 1

      # predicted label is the one with most votes

    return predictions


  • We also create kAnalysis based on Analysis for visualization of kNN results
class kAnalysis(Analysis):
  """Apply kNearestNeighbor to generated (uniformly) test samples."""

  def __init__(self, *x, k=1, distance=1):
    """Generate labels and initilize classifier

    x -- feature vectors arrays
    k -- number of nearest neighbors
    distance -- 0 for L1, 1 for L2    
    # get number of classes
    self.nof_classes = len(x)

    # create lables array
    y = [i * np.ones(_x.shape[0], dtype=np.int) for i, _x in enumerate(x)]
    y = np.array(y).ravel()

    # save training samples to plot them later
    self.x_train = x

    # merge feature vector arrays for NearestNeighbor
    x = np.concatenate(x, axis=0)

    # train classifier (knn this time)
    self.nn = kNearestNeighbors(k, distance)
    self.nn.train(x, y)

Sanity check

  • k-Nearest Neighbor classifier with k = 1 must give exactly the same results as Nearest Neighbor
# apply kNN with k=1 on the same set of training samples
knn = kAnalysis(X1, X2, X3, X4, k=1, distance=1)



  • For k = 1 kNN is likely to overfit the problem

  • Although, it does not mean that higher k is better!

  • Now, let's see how different values of k affects the result

  • Later, we will learn how to find optimal value of k for given problem

# training size = 50
# let's check a few values between 1 and 50
for k in (1, 5, 10, 50):
  knn = kAnalysis(X1, X2, X3, X4, k=k, distance=1)
  knn.plot("k = {}".format(k))






  • ML model may have some hyperparameters - parameters set before training

  • Please note, ML algorithm may have also parameters which are set during training

  • In the case of kNN there are two hyperparameters:

    • number of nearest neihgbors (k)

    • the definition of distance

  • The choice of hyperparameters values highly depends on a problem

  • The wrong choice of hyperparameters may lead to underfitting or overfitting

Over-, under-fitting example

# generate random data from x^2 function (with some noise)
data = np.array([[x, np.random.normal(x**2, 0.1)] \
                 for x in 2*np.random.random(10) - 1])

plot = init_plot([-1, 1], [-1, 1])
plot.plot(*data.T, 'o');


  • Let's try to fit this data to a polynomial

  • The degree is a hyperparamter (which defines number of coefficients)

# loop over degrees of polynomial
# data is x^2, so let's try degrees 1, 2, 10
for n in (1, 2, 10):
  # polyfit returns an array with polynomial coefficients
  # poly1d is a polynomial class
  f = np.poly1d(np.polyfit(*data.T, n))

  # returns an array with 100 uniformly distributed numbers from -1 to 1
  x = np.linspace(-1, 1, 100)

  plot = init_plot([-1, 1], [-1, 1])
  plot.set_title("n = {}".format(n))
  plot.plot(*data.T, 'o', x, f(x))
/usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/ipykernel_launcher.py:4: RankWarning: Polyfit may be poorly conditioned
  after removing the cwd from sys.path.




  • For n = 1 we clearly underfit the data as we do not have enough parameters to describe the complexity of the problem

  • For n = 2 we have appropriate capacity (as we actually generated data form x^2 function)

  • For n = 10 we overfit the data - training samples are described perfectly, but we clearly lost the generalization ability

Message 04: right choice of hyperparameters is crucial!

Validation dataset

  • One splits data into training and test samples

    • training samples are used to optimize model parameters

    • test samples are used to measure accuracy

    • there is no rule of thumb on how to split dataset

  • If a model has some hyperparameters the part of training set is used for valitation samples:

    • training samples - tuning model parameters

    • validation samples - tuning hyperparameters

                  +---------------------+      +------------------------+
+----------+      |                     |      |                        |
|          |      | Measure accuracy on |      | Measure final accuracy |
| Training | +--> |                     | +--> |                        |
|          |      | validation samples  |      | on test samples        |
+----------+      |                     |      |                        |
     ^            +----------+----------+      +------------------------+
     |                       |
     |      Change           | 

Iris dataset

  • The data set contains 3 classes of 50 instances each, where each class refers to a type of iris plant. One class is linearly separable from the other 2; the latter are NOT linearly separable from each other. src

  • Attribute Information:

    • sepal length in cm

    • sepal width in cm

    • petal length in cm

    • petal width in cm

    • class:

      • Iris Setosa

      • Iris Versicolour

      • Iris Virginica

Load dataset

  • We use pandas for data manipulation - it is super handy and supports many formats
import pandas as pd

# columns names - can be used to access columns later
columns = ["Sepal Length", "Sepal Width",
           "Petal Length", "Petal Width",

# iris.data is a csv file
src = "https://archive.ics.uci.edu/ml/machine-learning-databases/iris/iris.data"

# load the file with pandas.read_csv 
# it will name columns as defined in columns list
# so one can access a column through index or name
iris_data = pd.read_csv(src, header=None, names=columns)
iris_data.head()  # print a few first entries
Sepal Length Sepal Width Petal Length Petal Width Class
0 5.1 3.5 1.4 0.2 Iris-setosa
1 4.9 3.0 1.4 0.2 Iris-setosa
2 4.7 3.2 1.3 0.2 Iris-setosa
3 4.6 3.1 1.5 0.2 Iris-setosa
4 5.0 3.6 1.4 0.2 Iris-setosa

Visualize dataset

  • pandas offers plotting through matplotlib integration

  • Let's visualize Iris data

  • Let's keep the code short - sorry if it is hard to follow

# to extract rows with class column == class_name
extract = lambda class_name: iris_data.loc[iris_data['Class'] == class_name]

# axes settings - part = Sepal or Petal; x = Length, y = Width
set_ax = lambda part: {"x": part + " Length",
                       "y": part + " Width",
                       "kind": "scatter"}

# add iris type / sepal or petal / color to existing axis
plot = lambda class_name, part, color, axis: \

# plot all Iris types (sepal or petal) on existing axis
plot_all = lambda part, axis: \
  [plot(iris, part, mpl_colors[i], axis) \
   for i, iris in enumerate(set(iris_data['Class']))] 
# with pyplot.subplots we can create many plots on one figure
# here we create 2 plots - 1 row and 2 columns
# thus, subplots returns figure, axes of 1st plot, axes for 2nd plot
_, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(9,4))

# using messy lambda we can plot all Iris types at once
# Petal data on 1st plots and Sepal data on 2nd plot
plot_all("Petal", ax1)
plot_all("Sepal", ax2)

# tight_layout adjust subplots params so they fit into figure ares


Prepare feature vectors and labels

  • First step is to prepare data - we need feature vectors with corresponding labels

  • In this case every sample's feature vector is 4D (sepal length, sepal width, petal length, petal width) and is labeled with one of three classes (Iris Setosa, Iris Versicolour, Iris Virginica)

# every Iris has 4 features (forming our 4D feature vectors)
# pandaoc.DataFrame.iloc allows us access data through indices
# we create an array with feature vectors by taking all rows for first 4 columns
X = iris_data.iloc[:, :4]

# it is still pandoc.DataFrame object - pretty handy
Sepal Length Sepal Width Petal Length Petal Width
0 5.1 3.5 1.4 0.2
1 4.9 3.0 1.4 0.2
2 4.7 3.2 1.3 0.2
3 4.6 3.1 1.5 0.2
4 5.0 3.6 1.4 0.2
  • pandas.DataFrame object are handy to manipulate data, but at the end of the day we want to perform algebra with numpy
# create numpy array (matrix) for further processing
X = np.array(X)

# print a few first entries
[[5.1 3.5 1.4 0.2]
 [4.9 3.  1.4 0.2]
 [4.7 3.2 1.3 0.2]
 [4.6 3.1 1.5 0.2]
 [5.  3.6 1.4 0.2]]
  • from the las column ("Class") we create our labels
# as mentioned before, we can access DataFrame object through column labels
Y = np.array(iris_data["Class"])

# print a few first entries
['Iris-setosa' 'Iris-setosa' 'Iris-setosa' 'Iris-setosa' 'Iris-setosa']

Prepare test dataset

  • Let's use 80% for training and 20% for testing

  • We, obviously, can not just take last 20% of samples for testing because our data is ordered

  • But we can randomly select 20% of samples

  • Easy to do by hand, but let's start to use some ML frameworks

from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split as split

# train_test_split: Split arrays or matrices into random train and test subsets
X_train, X_test, Y_train, Y_test = split(X, Y, test_size=0.2)

# let's use 20% of training samples for validation
X_train, X_valid, Y_train, Y_valid = split(X_train, Y_train, test_size=0.2)

# check how many sample we have
print(X_train.shape[0], X_valid.shape[0], X_test.shape[0])
96 24 30

kNN from scikit-learn

  • scikit-learn has already implemented k-Nearest Neighbor algorithm (which is more flexible than the one implemented during this lecture)

  • Let's see how complicated is using one of ML frameworks with Python

from sklearn.neighbors import KNeighborsClassifier

# create knn classifier with k = 48
knn = KNeighborsClassifier(n_neighbors=48)

# train the model
knn.fit(X_train, Y_train)

# predict labels for test samples
Y_pred = knn.predict(X_valid)


  • First let's print true labels along with predicted ones
# use bold if true != predicted
for true, pred in zip(Y_valid, Y_pred):
  if pred == true:
    print("{}\t -> {}".format(true, pred))
    print("\033[1m{}\t -> {}\033[0m".format(true, pred))
Iris-setosa  -> Iris-setosa
Iris-versicolor  -> Iris-versicolor
Iris-setosa  -> Iris-setosa
Iris-versicolor  -> Iris-versicolor
Iris-virginica   -> Iris-virginica
Iris-virginica   -> Iris-virginica
Iris-versicolor  -> Iris-virginica
Iris-virginica   -> Iris-virginica
Iris-versicolor  -> Iris-versicolor
Iris-setosa  -> Iris-setosa
Iris-virginica   -> Iris-virginica
Iris-versicolor  -> Iris-versicolor
Iris-virginica   -> Iris-virginica
Iris-virginica   -> Iris-versicolor
Iris-virginica   -> Iris-virginica
Iris-virginica   -> Iris-virginica
Iris-versicolor  -> Iris-versicolor
Iris-setosa  -> Iris-setosa
Iris-setosa  -> Iris-setosa
Iris-virginica   -> Iris-virginica
Iris-virginica   -> Iris-versicolor
Iris-setosa  -> Iris-setosa
Iris-versicolor  -> Iris-versicolor
Iris-virginica   -> Iris-versicolor
  • We can easily calculate accuracy by hand as it is just a number of correctly predicted labels divided by no. of samples
# Y_valid == Y_pred -> array of True/False (if two elements are equal or not)
# (Y_valid == Y_pred).sum() -> number of Trues
# Y_valid.shape[0] -> number of validation samples
accuracy = (Y_valid == Y_pred).sum() / Y_valid.shape[0]

  • But we can also use scikit-learn function accuracy_score
from sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score

print(accuracy_score(Y_valid, Y_pred))

k-dependence of the accuracy

  • Let's use validation set to determine the best hyperparameter k

  • We will run kNN for various values of k and measure accuracy

  • This will allow us to find the optimal value of k

  • And check the accuracy on the test dataset

scores = []  # placeholder for accuracy

max_k = 85  # maximum number of voters

# loop over different values of k
for k in range(1, max_k):
  # create knn classifier with k = k
  knn = KNeighborsClassifier(n_neighbors=k)

  # train the model
  knn.fit(X_train, Y_train)

  # predict labels for test samples
  Y_pred = knn.predict(X_valid)

  # add accuracy to score table
  scores.append(accuracy_score(Y_valid, Y_pred))
  • Now, we can plot accuracy as a function of k
def k_accuracy_plot(max_k=85):
  """Just plot settings"""
  plt.xlim([0, max_k + 5])
  plt.ylim([0, 1])
  plt.xticks(range(0, max_k + 5, 5))

  return plt

k_accuracy_plot().plot(range(1, max_k), scores);


  • And check the accuracy measured on the test samples
knn = KNeighborsClassifier(n_neighbors=9)
knn.fit(X_train, Y_train)
Y_pred = knn.predict(X_test)

print(accuracy_score(Y_test, Y_pred))
  • The accuracy plot is not smooth

  • It is common if one does not have enough validation samples

  • But there is another way to measure accuracy dependence on hyperparameters


         Split training samples into N folds

 +-------+   +-------+   +-------+         +-------+
 |       |   |       |   |       |         |       |
 |   1   |   |   2   |   |   3   |   ...   |   N   |
 |       |   |       |   |       |         |       |
 +-------+   +-------+   +-------+         +-------+

Take one fold as validation set and train on N-1 folds

 +-------+   +-------+   +-------+         +-------+
 |*******|   |       |   |       |         |       |
 |*******|   |   2   |   |   3   |   ...   |   N   |
 |*******|   |       |   |       |         |       |
 +-------+   +-------+   +-------+         +-------+

         Take the next one as validation set

 +-------+   +-------+   +-------+         +-------+
 |       |   |*******|   |       |         |       |
 |   1   |   |*******|   |   3   |   ...   |   N   |
 |       |   |*******|   |       |         |       |
 +-------+   +-------+   +-------+         +-------+

          Repeat the procedure for all folds

 +-------+   +-------+   +-------+         +-------+
 |       |   |       |   |       |         |*******|
 |   1   |   |   2   |   |   3   |   ...   |*******|
 |       |   |       |   |       |         |*******|
 +-------+   +-------+   +-------+         +-------+

            And average out the accuracy
  • Once again scikit-learn has already implemented the procedure we need
from sklearn.model_selection import cross_val_score

# this time we do not create dedicated validation set
X_train, X_test, Y_train, Y_test = split(X, Y, test_size=0.2)

avg_scores = []  # average score for different k

nof_folds = 10

# loop over different values of k
for k in range(1, max_k):
  # create knn classifier with k = k
  knn = KNeighborsClassifier(n_neighbors=k)

  # cross-validate knn on our training sample with nof_folds
  scores = cross_val_score(knn, X_train, Y_train,
                           cv=nof_folds, scoring='accuracy')

  # add avg accuracy to score table
k_accuracy_plot().plot(range(1, max_k), avg_scores);


  • In theory, k-fold cross-validation is the way to go (especially if a dataset is small)

  • In practice, people tend to use a single validation split as it is not that computational expensive

Data normalization

  • Sometimes there is a need to preprocess data before training

  • Let's imagine Iris sepal data is in cm but petal data in mm

# original data - both in cm
[[5.1 3.5 1.4 0.2]
 [4.9 3.  1.4 0.2]
 [4.7 3.2 1.3 0.2]
 [4.6 3.1 1.5 0.2]
 [5.  3.6 1.4 0.2]]
# make a copy of X
Xmm = X.copy()

# and multiply last two columns by 0.1
Xmm[:,2:] *= 0.1

# and we have our fake Iris data with petal length/width in mm
[[5.1  3.5  0.14 0.02]
 [4.9  3.   0.14 0.02]
 [4.7  3.2  0.13 0.02]
 [4.6  3.1  0.15 0.02]
 [5.   3.6  0.14 0.02]]
  • Let's compare result of the same classifier on both dataset
def get_accuracy(X, Y, k=10):
  """Make training and test datasets and process through kNN"""

  # prepare training / test samples
  X_train, X_test, Y_train, Y_test = split(X, Y, test_size=0.2)

  # create a kNN with k = k
  knn = KNeighborsClassifier(n_neighbors=k)

  # get prediction for original dataset
  knn.fit(X_train, Y_train)
  Y_pred = knn.predict(X_test)

  return accuracy_score(Y_test, Y_pred)

cm = get_accuracy(X, Y)
mm = get_accuracy(Xmm, Y)

print("Accuracy:\n\tboth in cm: {}\n\tpetal in mm: {}".format(cm, mm))
    both in cm: 1.0
    petal in mm: 0.7
  • It is kind of obvious here - petal information will barely contribute to the distance

  • However, it is not always obvious if some features are not suppressed by the way data is normalized

Message 05: be aware of data normalization!


  • THE MNIST DATABASE of handwritten digits

  • The MNIST database of handwritten digits, available from this page, has a training set of 60,000 examples, and a test set of 10,000 examples. It is a subset of a larger set available from NIST. The digits have been size-normalized and centered in a fixed-size image.

  • It is a good database for people who want to try learning techniques and pattern recognition methods on real-world data while spending minimal efforts on preprocessing and formatting.

  • To make it simpler (and faster) let's use digits toy dataset which comes with scikit-learn src

  • Each datapoint is a 8x8 image of a digit.

  • About 180 samples per class (digit)

  • Total number of samples 1797

Load digits

from sklearn.datasets import load_digits

digits = load_digits()

(1797, 64)
  • digits.images is a numpy array with 1797 numpy arrays 8x8 (feature vectors) representing digits

  • digits.target is a numpy array with 1797 integer numbers (class labels)

  • the code below allow us to visualize a random digits from the dataset

# set grayscale

# get some random index from 0 to dataset size
random_index = np.random.randint(1796)

# draw random digit

# and print the matrix
plt.text(8, 5, digits.images[random_index],
         fontdict={'family': 'monospace', 'size': 16})

# and the label
plt.text(10, 1, "This is: {}".format(digits.target[random_index]),
         fontdict={'family': 'monospace', 'size': 16});
<matplotlib.figure.Figure at 0x7faccc90a048>


Distance between images

| 4 2 0     2 5 8 |   |2 3 8|
| 5 3 9  -  2 8 1 | = |3 5 8|  ->  38
| 0 2 3     1 4 9 |   |1 2 6|

Prepare data

  • We need to split dataset to training and test samples

  • However, images are in 8x8 format and we have to flatten them first

# the original shape of an image
(1797, 8, 8)
# numpy.reshape is handy here
print(digits.images.reshape((1797, -1)).shape)
(1797, 64)
  • Please note -1 in new shape

  • numpy.reshape allows us to pass one unknown dimension which can be determined automatically

  • Thus, the above is equivalent to

print(digits.images.reshape((1797, 64)).shape)
(1797, 64)
print(digits.images.reshape((-1, 64)).shape)
(1797, 64)
  • As before, we can split our dataset using sklearn.model_selection.train_test_split
data_train, data_test, label_train, label_test = \
  split(digits.images.reshape((1797, -1)), digits.target, test_size=0.2)


  • We perform cross-validation on training samples to determine the best k (as for the Iris dataset)
avg_scores = []  # average score for different k

max_k = 50
nof_folds = 10

# loop over different values of k
for k in range(1, max_k):
  # create knn classifier with k = k
  knn = KNeighborsClassifier(n_neighbors=k)

  # cross-validate knn on our training sample with nof_folds
  scores = cross_val_score(knn, data_train, label_train,
                           cv=nof_folds, scoring='accuracy')

  # add avg accuracy to score table
plt.xlim([0, max_k])
plt.ylim([0, 1])
plt.xticks(range(0, max_k, 5))

plt.plot(range(1, max_k), avg_scores);


  • We used nearly the same procedure as for the Iris dataset

  • Note, that digits toy dataset prefer different k

  • This is the idea of ML - the same algorithm can solve different problems if train on different data

  • Nowadays, in ML field data is more important than algorithms (we have good algorithms already)

Final test

  • Let's take the bes k and check how the classifier works on test samples
from sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score

knn = KNeighborsClassifier(n_neighbors=1)
knn.fit(data_train, label_train)
prediction = knn.predict(data_test)

print(accuracy_score(label_test, prediction))
  • We can take a look at misclassified digits
for i, (true, predict) in enumerate(zip(label_test, prediction)):
  if true != predict:
    digit = data_test[i].reshape((8, 8))  # reshape again to 8x8
    plt.matshow(digit)                    # for matshow
    plt.title("{} predicted as {}".format(true, predict))





Regression with kNN

  • It is also possible to do regression using k-Nearest Neighbors

    • find k nearest neighbors from training samples

    • calculate the predicted value using inverse distance weighting method

    y_{pred}(\vec x) = \frac{\sum\limits_i w_i(\vec x) y_{train, i}}{\sum\limits_i w_i(\vec x_i)}
    • where w_i(\vec x) = \frac{1}{d(\vec x, \vec x_{train, i})}

    • Note, that y_{pred}(\vec x) = y_{train, i} if d(\vec x, \vec x_{train, i}) = 0

Genearate some fake data

  • Let's grab some random points from the sine function

  • And add some noise to make it more like real data

data_size = 50

# generate and sort *data_size* numbers from 0 to 4pi 
x_train = 4 * np.pi * np.sort(np.random.rand(data_size, 1), axis=0)

# let's fit to sine  
y_train = np.sin(x_train).ravel()

# add some noise to the data
y_train = np.array([np.random.normal(y, 0.05) for y in y_train])

plt.plot(x_train, y_train, 'ro');


Make a fit

  • In general, one should do cross-validation to determine the best k

  • We will skip this part during the lecture (feel free to check this at home though!)

  • Let's just check how kNN fit works for a few different values of k

Comment on numpy.newaxis

# let's create a 1D numpy array
D1 = np.array([1, 2, 3, 4])

[1 2 3 4]
# we can easily add another dimension using numpy.newaxis
D2 = D1[:, np.newaxis]


And back to the task

  • We use kNN regressor from scikit-learn (from intro: What I really do...)
from sklearn.neighbors import KNeighborsRegressor

# first we need test sample
x_test = np.linspace(0, 4*np.pi, 100)[:, np.newaxis]

for i, k in enumerate((1, 5, 10, 20)):
  # weights=distance - weight using distances
  knn = KNeighborsRegressor(k, weights='distance')

  # calculate y_test for all points in x_test
  y_test = knn.fit(x_train, y_train).predict(x_test)

  plt.subplot(2, 2, i + 1)

  plt.title("k = {}".format(k))

  plt.plot(x_train, y_train, 'ro', x_test, y_test, 'g');




  • We have learned first ML algorithm - k-Nearest Neighbors

  • It has some pros:

    • easy to understand and implement

    • no time needed for training - may be used for initial analysis before one reaches for some heavier tool

    • solves nonlinear problems

    • limited number of hyperparameters

    • no parameters!

    • at the end of this lecture we will deal with tens of hyperparameters and thousands of parameters

  • Although cons make it hard to use in practice

    • training data must be kept for the whole time (so called lazy training)

      • imagine having GB of training samples and you want to make mobile app

      • other algorithms allows to discard training samples once the model is trained (eager learning) - usually it means long training process but super fast classification (which is what we really want)

    • distance-comparing is not suitable for all data - a picture of a cat on a blue background (e.g. sky) can be close to a ship on a sea (because background pixels vote too)

      • e.g. for CIFAR-10 (60k pictures, 10 classes, more about that later) vanilla kNN get less than 40% accuracy
    • still better than random guessing (10%), but convolutional neural networks get >95%

  • Still, we have learned from kNN a few important things:

    • Data is important (both size and quality)

    • Sometimes data requires preprocessing

    • Wrong choice of hyperparameters may lead to under- or over-fitting

      • Use validation samples to tune the model

      • And DO NOT touch test samples until you are done!