Introduction to Machine Learning

Lecturer details

  • Tomasz Golan

Lecture details


  • Introduction

  • k-Nearest Neighbors

  • Decision Tree

  • Support Vector Machine

  • Multilayer Perceptron

  • Deep Learning


  • “Deep Learning” by Ian Goodfellow, Yoshua Bengio, Aaron Courville

  • “Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning” by Christopher Bishop

  • Linear algebra

  • Calculus

  • Python


  • In the form of the presentation

  • Individual or group project

  • At least one machine learning algorithm must be used

  • With the model description included

useful (but not interesting) functions

  • Here, I just define some functions used for making demo plots during the introduction.

  • Feel free to look at them later (especially if you are not familiar with numpy and matplotlib).

  • But now let's skip them.

# numpy and matplotlib will be used a lot during the lecture
# if you are familiar with these libraries you may skip this part
# if not - extended comments were added to make it easier to understand

# it is kind of standard to import numpy as np and pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# used later to apply different colors in for loops
mpl_colors = ('r', 'b', 'g', 'c', 'm', 'y', 'k', 'w')

# just to overwrite default colab style'default')'seaborn-talk')

def generate_random_points(size=10, low=0, high=1):
  """Generate a set of random 2D points

  size -- number of points to generate
  low  -- min value
  high -- max value
  # random_sample([size]) returns random numbers with shape defined by size
  # e.g.
  # >>> np.random.random_sample((2, 3))
  # array([[ 0.44013807,  0.77358569,  0.64338619],
  #        [ 0.54363868,  0.31855232,  0.16791031]])
  return (high - low) * np.random.random_sample((size, 2)) + low

def init_plot(x_range=None, y_range=None, x_label="$x_1$", y_label="$x_2$"):
  """Set axes limits and labels

  x_range -- [min x, max x]
  y_range -- [min y, max y]
  x_label -- string
  y_label -- string

  # subplots returns figure and axes
  # (in general you may want many axes on one figure)
  # we do not need fig here
  # but we will apply changes (including adding points) to axes
  _, ax = plt.subplots(dpi=70)

  # set grid style and color
  ax.grid(c='0.70', linestyle=':')

  # set axes limits (x_range and y_range is a list with two elements)

  # set axes labels

  # return axes so we can continue modyfing them later
  return ax

def plot_random_points(style=None, color=None):
  """Generate and plot two (separated) sets of random points

  style -- latter group points style (default as first)
  color -- latter group color (default as first)

  # create a plot with x and y ranges from 0 to 2.5
  ax = init_plot([0, 2.5], [0, 2.5])

  # add two different sets of random points
  # first set = 5 points from [0.5, 1.0]x[0.5, 1.0]
  # second set = 5 points from [1.5, 2.0]x[1.5, 2.0]
  # generate_random_points return a numpy array in the format like
  # [[x1, y1], [x2, y2], ..., [xn, yn]]
  # pyplot.plt take separately arrays with X and Y, like
  # plot([x1, x2, x3], [y1, y2, y3])
  # thus, we transpose numpy array to the format
  # [[x1, x2, ..., xn], [y1, y2, ..., yn]]
  # and unpack it with *
  ax.plot(*generate_random_points(5, 0.5, 1.0).T, 'ro')
  ax.plot(*generate_random_points(5, 1.5, 2.0).T, style or 'ro')

  return ax

def plot_an_example(style=None, color=None, label="Class"):
  """Plot an example of supervised or unsupervised learning"""
  ax = plot_random_points(style, color)

  # circle areas related to each set of points
  # pyplot.Circle((x, y), r); (x, y) - the center of a circle; r - radius
  # lw - line width
  ax.add_artist(plt.Circle((0.75, 0.75), 0.5, fill=0, color='r', lw=2))
  ax.add_artist(plt.Circle((1.75, 1.75), 0.5, fill=0, color=color or 'r', lw=2))

  # put group labels
  # pyplot.text just put arbitrary text in given coordinates
  ax.text(0.65, 1.4, label + " I", fontdict={'color': 'r'})
  ax.text(1.65, 1.1, label + " II", fontdict={'color': color or 'r'})


What is machine learning?

|                                                                         |
|  Any technique which enables                                            |
|  computers to mimic human                      Artificial Intelligence  |
|  intelligence                                                           |
|                                                                         |
|     +-------------------------------------------------------------------+
|     |                                                                   |
|     |   Statistical techniques which                                    |
|     |   enable computers to improve               Machine Learning      |
|     |   with experience (subset of AI)                                  |
|     |                                                                   |
|     |       +-----------------------------------------------------------+
|     |       |                                                           |
|     |       |  Subset of ML which makes                                 |
|     |       |  the computations using              Deep Learning        |
|     |       |  multi-layer neural networks                              |
|     |       |                                                           |

Supervised learning

  • Problems: classification, regression

  • Let \vec x_i \in X be feature vectors

  • Let y_i \in Y be class labels

  • Let h: X \rightarrow Y be hypothesis

  • Find h(\vec x) given N training examples \left\{(\vec x_1, y_1), ..., (\vec x_N, y_N)\right\}

plot_an_example(style='bs', color='b');


Unsupervised learning

  • In opposite to supervised learning data is not labeled

  • Problems: clustering, association

  • For example: k-means clustering, self-organizing maps



Example: Supervised vs Unsupervised

  • Having N photos of different animals

  • Supervised task (requires labeled data)

Train an algorithm to recognise given species on a photo.

Output: There is X on a photo.

  • Unsupervised task

Train an algorithm to group animals with similar features.

Output: No idea what it is, but it looks similar to these animals.

Reinforcement learning

                |         |
       +--------+  AGENT  | <------+
       |        |         |        |
       |        +---------+        |
       |                           | Observation
Action |                           |
       |                           | Reward
       |     +---------------+     |
       |     |               |     |
       +---> |  ENVIRONMENT  +-----+
             |               |

ML applications

ML Fails

  • Amazon's Alexa - TV broadcast caused many orders around San Diego when presenter said I love the little girl, saying 'Alexa ordered me a dollhouse'.

  • Amazon's Alexa - when a kid asked for his favorite song Digger, Digger Alexa's respond was: You want to hear a station for porn detected … hot chick amateur girl sexy.

  • Microsoft's Tay chatbot learned from tweets how to be racist


  • Passport checker rejects Asian's photo because eyes are closed


  • So make sure you can not relate to this


ML Frameworks

  • Tensorflow by Google - Python (and somewhat in C/C++)

  • Caffe by Berkeley Vision and Learning Center - C/C++, Python, MATLAB, Command line interface

  • Torch by many - Lua and C/C++

  • Theano by University of Montreal - Python (development stopped in 2017)

  • scikit-learn by many - Python

  • and many others