Make your scientific software portable

with Singularity containers

Tomasz Golan, ZFN

What is a container

  • A container is a stand-alone executable package

    • operating system

    • libraries

    • software

    • data

  • It can be run on any OS


OS in a container

Containers vs Virtual Machines


Why to use containers

  • one can encapsulate software with all dependencies (libraries, data, ...) in a single executable package

  • easy to share with others

  • easy to run on clusters

  • easy to reproduce previous results



Basic usage

Hello World - get an image

  • grab Ubuntu 17.10 from Docker Hub (more tags: link)
$ singularity pull docker://ubuntu:17.10
$ ls -lh
razem 37M
-rwxr-xr-x 1 goran goran 37M gru  6 12:15 ubuntu-17.10.img

Hello World - execute

  • to execute [command] from [img file]
singularity exec [img file] [command]
# ls from Host OS
$ ls --version
ls (GNU coreutils) 8.25

# ls from the container
$ singularity exec ubuntu-17.10.img ls --version
ls (GNU coreutils) 8.26

Hello World - kernel / user

  • the same kernel
# Host OS
$ uname -a
Linux ux306-ift 4.10.0-40-generic #44~16.04.1-Ubuntu SMP Thu Nov 9 15:37:44 UTC 2017 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux

# container
$ singularity exec ubuntu-17.10.img uname -a
Linux ux306-ift 4.10.0-40-generic #44~16.04.1-Ubuntu SMP Thu Nov 9 15:37:44 UTC 2017 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
  • the same user
# Host OS
$ whoami

# container
$ singularity exec ubuntu-17.10.img whoami

Hello World - HOME

  • different content
# /opt/ at Host OS
$ ls /opt/
eZuceSRN google skypeforlinux zoom Zotero_linux-x86_64

# /opt/ in the container
$ singularity exec ubuntu-17.10.img ls /opt/

  • but $HOME the same
# Host OS $HOME
$ ls ~
git  nuwro 2017  Pobrane  Pulpit  singularity

# container $HOME
$ singularity exec ubuntu-17.10.img ls ~
Pobrane  Pulpit  git  nuwro 2017  singularity

Hello World - shell

  • interactive shell within a container
$ singularity shell ubuntu-17.10.img 
Singularity: Invoking an interactive shell within container...

Singularity ubuntu-17.10.img:~/singularity>
Singularity ubuntu-17.10.img:~/singularity> ls -w 80 /bin/
bash   dmesg          gzip      mount          run-parts   true          zegrep
cat    dnsdomainname  hostname  mountpoint     sed         umount        zfgrep
chgrp  domainname     kill      mv             sh          uname         zforce
chmod  echo           ln        nisdomainname  sh.distrib  uncompress    zgrep
chown  egrep          login     pidof          sleep       vdir          zless
cp     false          ls        ps             stty        wdctl         zmore
dash   fgrep          lsblk     pwd            su          which         znew
date   findmnt        mkdir     rbash          sync        ypdomainname
dd     grep           mknod     readlink       tar         zcat
df     gunzip         mktemp    rm             tempfile    zcmp
dir    gzexe          more      rmdir          touch       zdiff
Singularity ubuntu-17.10.img:~/singularity> 

Hello World - log in as root

# sudo - log in as root
$ sudo singularity shell ubuntu-17.10.img 
Singularity: Invoking an interactive shell within container...

Singularity ubuntu-17.10.img:~> whoami 
# root can install new software
Singularity ubuntu-17.10.img:~> apt update
Singularity ubuntu-17.10.img:~> apt install gcc
Singularity ubuntu-17.10.img:~> gcc --version
gcc (Ubuntu 7.2.0-8ubuntu3) 7.2.0

Software is gone once you exit a container!

Hello World - writable mode

# in writable mode one can modify a container
# but a container must be also build with writable 
$ sudo singularity shell --writable ubuntu-17.10.img 
ERROR  : Unable to open squashfs image in read-write mode: Read-only file system
ABORT  : Retval = 255
  • compressed read-only squashfs file system suitable for production (default)
  • writable ext3 file system suitable for interactive development (--writable option)
  • writable (ch)root directory called a sandbox for interactive development (--sandbox option)

Hello World - sandbox

# create a folder (sandbox) with ubuntu 17.10
$ sudo singularity build --sandbox ubuntu-dev docker://ubuntu:17.10

$ tree -L 2
├── ubuntu-17.10.img
└── ubuntu-dev
    ├── bin
    ├── boot
    ├── dev
    ├── environment -> .singularity.d/env/
    ├── etc
    ├── home
    ├── lib
    ├── lib64
    ├── media
    ├── mnt
    ├── opt
    ├── proc
    ├── root
    ├── run
    ├── sbin
    ├── singularity -> .singularity.d/runscript
    ├── srv
    ├── sys
    ├── tmp
    ├── usr
    └── var

Hello World - modify sandbox

# shell sandbox in writable mode
$ sudo singularity shell --writable ubuntu-dev/

# update package list
Singularity ubuntu-dev:~> apt update

# install gcc
Singularity ubuntu-dev:~> apt install gcc

# exit the container
Singularity ubuntu-dev:~> exit

Hello World - production container

# create a frozen container
$ sudo singularity build ubuntu-with-gcc.img ubuntu-dev/

# and you have base OS with gcc compiler
$ singularity exec ubuntu-with-gcc.img gcc --version
gcc (Ubuntu 7.2.0-8ubuntu3) 7.2.0

Singularity Recipes

Singularity Recipes

  • a single configuration file used to build a container

    • header
    • sections: help, setup, files, labels, environment, post, runscript, test
    • apps
  • recipes make it easy to reproduce a container

# sudo singularity build [target] [source]

$ sudo singularity build my_container.img Singularity

Recipes - header

  • in a header one defines base OS to start with

    • BootStrap: shub, docker, localimage, ...
    • From: container name / tags etc
  • Example:

# Singularity file content
BootStrap: docker
From: ubuntu:17.10

Section: help

  • help section defines help for a container, e.g.
# Singularity file content
BootStrap: docker
From: ubuntu:17.10

We can't help everyone, but everyone can help someone.


# build a container and check help
$ sudo singularity build my_container.img Singularity

$ singularity help my_container.img

We can't help everyone, but everyone can help someone.

Section: setup

  • setup section defines actions run on Host OS (after Base OS is installed)
# Singularity file content
BootStrap: docker
From: ubuntu:17.10

date > $SINGULARITY_ROOTFS/born.dat


# $SINGULARITY_ROOTFS refers to / in a container
$ singularity exec my_container.img cat /born.dat
Thu Dec  7 10:48:00 CET 2017

Section: files

  • files section is a list of files to copy into a container (after post)
# Singularity file content
BootStrap: docker
From: ubuntu:17.10

touch my_local_file.dat

my_local_file.dat /opt


# one file was copied to many locations
$ singularity exec my_container.img ls /opt/

Section: labels

  • labels are used for container's metadata
# Singularity file content
BootStrap: docker
From: ubuntu:17.10

Version 1.0
Maintainer Nobody


# inspect checks metadata
$ singularity inspect my_container.img 
    "org.label-schema.usage.singularity.deffile.bootstrap": "docker",
    "MAINTAINER": "Nobody",
    "VERSION": "1.0",

Section: environment

  • environment defines environmental variables (at runtime!)
# Singularity file content
BootStrap: docker
From: ubuntu:17.10

    export MY_VAR=var1
    export USELESS_VAR=var2


# get into the container
$ singularity shell my_container.img 

# check envs
Singularity my_container.img:~/singularity> echo $MY_VAR $USELESS_VAR
var1 var2

Section: post

  • everything from post section is executed during built time (after Base OS is installed)
# Singularity file content
BootStrap: docker
From: ubuntu:17.10

    apt update
    apt install -y --no-install-recommends gcc


# gcc was installed during post
$ singularity exec my_container.img gcc --version
gcc (Ubuntu 7.2.0-8ubuntu3) 7.2.0

Section: runscript

  • runscript defines what to execute when container is run
# Singularity file content
BootStrap: docker
From: ubuntu:17.10

    echo "Hello, today is"


# when container is executed runscript section is run
$ singularity run my_container.img 
Hello, today is
Thu Dec  7 10:20:08 UTC 2017

$ ./my_container.img 
Hello, today is
Thu Dec  7 10:20:15 UTC 2017

Singularity - all together

# Ubuntu 14.04 based container with ROOT 5 and NuWro 17.09

BootStrap: docker
From: ubuntu:14.04

See NuWro User Guide at

OS Ubuntu14.04
ROOT 5.99/06
NuWro 17.09

    export ROOTSYS=/opt/root/
    export PATH=$PATH:$ROOTSYS/bin/:/opt/nuwro/bin/


    apt update && apt install -y --no-install-recommends \
        binutils \
        ca-certificates \
        cmake \
        dpkg-dev \
        g++ \
        gcc \
        gfortran \
        git \
        graphviz-dev \
        libavahi-compat-libdnssd-dev \
        libfftw3-dev \
        libftgl-dev \
        libglew1.5-dev \
        libgsl0-dev \
        libkrb5-dev \
        libldap2-dev \
        libmysqlclient-dev \
        libpcre3-dev \
        libqt4-dev \
        libssl-dev \
        libx11-dev \
        libxext-dev \
        libxft-dev \
        libxml2-dev \
        libxpm-dev \
        python-dev \
        xlibmesa-glu-dev \

    # clean after apt
    rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*

    # create g77 symbolic link for pythia installer
    ln -s /usr/bin/gfortran /usr/bin/g77
    ##### INSTALL ROOT with PYTHIA #####
    # get ROOT
    cd /opt/
    tar -zxf root_v5.99.06.source.tar.gz
    rm root_v5.99.06.source.tar.gz

    # get PYTHIA
    tar -zxf pythia6.tar.gz
    rm pythia6.tar.gz
    cd pythia6 && ./makePythia6.linux && cd ..
    mkdir root/lib
    mv pythia6/ root/lib
    rm -rf pythia6

    # compile ROOT
    cd root && ./configure --with-pythia6-libdir=lib --enable-builtin-freetype

    export ROOTSYS=/opt/root/
    export PATH=$PATH:$ROOTSYS/bin/

    ##### INSTALL NuWro #####

    cd /opt/

    # to avoid "Problem with the SSL CA cert (path? access rights?)"
    git clone -b nuwro_17.09 --depth 1
    cd nuwro

    exec /opt/nuwro/bin/nuwro

NuWro Container - run NuWro

# run NuWro
$ singularity exec NuWro-builds-master-1709.simg nuwro -p "beam_energy = 12345"
random_seed = 0
number_of_events = 500000
number_of_test_events = 2000000
save_test_events = 0
user_events = 0
user_params =
beam_type = 0
beam_energy = 12345

# or myroot
$ singularity exec NuWro-builds-master-1709.simg myroot
  *                                         *
  *        W E L C O M E  to  R O O T       *
  *                                         *
  *   Version   5.99/06      3 April 2014   *
  *                                         *
  *  You are welcome to visit our web site  *
  *            *
  *                                         *
  * Please use 5.34 for any real work until *
  * ROOT 6 is released.                     *
  *                                         *

ROOT 5.99/06 (v5-99-06@v5-99-06, Apr 04 2014, 09:28:16 on linuxx8664gcc)
cling C/C++ Interpreter: type 
root [0] 

# or use interactive shell mode
$ singularity shell NuWro-builds-master-1709.simg 
Singularity: Invoking an interactive shell within container...

Singularity NuWro-builds-master-1709.simg:~/singularity> ls /opt/
nuwro  root

Singularity Hub

Singularity Hub

  • Singularity Hub

  • collections of containers

  • integration with GitHub for build automation

NuWro Collection

NuWro Containers

Singularity Hub - getting a container

# singularity pull shub://[username]/[repo]:[tag]
$ singularity pull shub://NuWro/builds:1709

$ ls -lh
-rwxrwxr-x  1 goran goran 732M gru  7 11:36 NuWro-builds-master-1709.simg

Corresponding GitHub repo

NuWro Builds Repository

Connect GitHub with shub

  • log in to Singularity Hub with your GitHub account

  • select which repositories should be tracked

  • any push will update containers (if necessary)



  • portable software with Singularity Containers

    • for users
    • for developers
    • no need to worry about dependecies (and versions)
  • Singularity Hub + GitHub = automated builds