Machine Learning for MINERvA Physics Reconstruction

Tomasz Golan

IFT seminar, 05.01.2018



(for MINERvA experiment)

Neutrino oscillations

  • three neutrino flavors: electron, muon, tau
  • created in one of the flavors can be detected with a different flavor later
  • The Nobel Price in Physics 2015: Takaaki Kajita and Arthur B. McDonald (Super-K, SNO)

Oscillation experiment


Main INjector ExpeRiment \(\nu\)-A

MINERvA Experiment

  • MINERvA is a neutrino-scattering experiment at Fermilab
  • Collaboration of about 50-100 physicist
  • NuMI beam is used to measure cross section for neutrino-nucleus interactions
  • The detector includes several different nuclear targets

NuMI Beamline

Low vs Medium Energy

  • by changing distance between horns one can change energy spectrum

  • by changing horns polarization one can switch between neutrino and anti-neutrino mode

LE vs ME analyses

  • LE analyses: almost done
  • ME analyses: starting now
    • more energy
    • more particles in the final state
    • more messy events
    • more problems with the reconstruction

LE event example

MINERvA Detector

Nuclear targets

Event example 1

courtesy of G. Perdue

Event example 2

courtesy of G. Perdue

Vertex Reconstruction

  • tracking based algorithms fail for high energy events

  • "by eye" method is very often more accurate

  • idea: use algorithms for images analysis and pattern recognition

Machine Learning

Why ML?

  • ImageNet is an image database

  • Annual competition for classification
    • 2010: 71.8%
    • 2011: 74.3%
    • 2012: 84.0%
    • 2013: 88.2%
    • 2014: 93.3%
    • 2015: 96.4%
  • Humans: about 95%
  • Why humans fail?

Siberian Husky or Alaskan Malamute?

Understanding CNN

If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough.

Albert Einstein

Linear Regression


  • Hypothesis (for convenience \(x_0 = 1\)): \[h(x) = w_0 + w_1x_1 + ... + w_nx_n = \sum\limits_{i=0}^n w_i x_i = w^T x\]
  • Cost function: \[f(w) = \frac{1}{2}\sum\limits_{i=0}^n\left(h (x^{(i)}) - y^{(i)}\right)^2\]
  • Learning step (gradient descent, \(\alpha\) - training rate): \[w_j = w_j - \alpha\frac{\partial f(w)}{\partial w_j} = w_j + \alpha\sum\limits_{i=0}^n\left(y^{(i)} - h (x^{(i)})\right)x_j\]


  • epoch = one loop over the whole training sample

  • for each feature vector weights are updated using gradient descent method


  • target: \(y = 0, 1\)

  • not really efficient for classification

  • imagine having some data ~ 100

  • logistic function does better job


Logistic function

  • Logistic function: \[g(z) = \frac{1}{1 + e^{-z}}\]

  • Hypothesis: \[h(x) = g(w^Tx) = \frac{1}{1 + e^{-w^Tx}}\]


Why do we need neural networks?

  • We can do classification

  • We can do regression

  • But real problems are nonlinear


  • Feature vector: \[(x,y) \rightarrow (x,y,x^2,y^2)\]

  • Hypothesis: \[h (x) = \frac{1}{1 + e^{-w_0 - w_1x - w_2y - w_3x^2 - w_4y^2}}\]

In general, adding extra dimension by hand would be hard / impossible. Neural networks do that for us.

Neural Networks


  • neuron = activation function:
    • linear
    • binary step
    • logistic
    • tanh
    • relu
    • ...

AND gate

\(x_1\) 0 1 0 1
\(x_2\) 0 0 1 1
AND 0 0 0 1

  • Hypothesis = logistic function:

\[h(x) = \frac{1}{1 + e^{-w^Tx}}\]


  • \(w_0 \ll 0\)
  • \(w_0 + w_1 \ll 0\)
  • \(w_0 + w_2 \ll 0\)
  • \(w_0 + w_1 + w_2 \gg 0\)

AND gate - learning

Non-linear problem: XOR gate

Neural network for XOR

x XOR y = (x AND NOT y) OR (y AND NOT x)

Hidden neuron #1:

0, 0 = 0.000555
0, 1 = 0.000001
1, 0 = 0.263002
1, 1 = 0.000827

Hidden neuron #2:
0, 0 = 0.000567
0, 1 = 0.290434
1, 0 = 0.000002
1, 1 = 0.001137

Final results:
0 XOR 0 = 0.035760
0 XOR 1 = 0.956746
1 XOR 0 = 0.956866
1 XOR 1 = 0.026566

Tensorflow playground

Why do we need convolutional NN?

  • The more complicated problem is the more neurons we need

    • so more CPU/GPU time
    • and more memory

Convolutional Neural Networks




Convolution example

Convolution Layer

No. of convolved feature vectors (matrices) = No. of filters



Pooling - example

src: arxiv

CNN example




Machine Learning for MINERvA Physics Reconstruction

First task - vertex finding

  • the first goal is to use CNN to find the primary vertex in nuclear target region

  • each event is represented by 3 "pictures" - different views at the detector

event examples courtesy of G. Perdue

Classification regions

CNN in use

Convolution layer No. of filters Filter size Pool size
1 12 (8,3) (2,1)
2 20 (7,3) (2,1)
3 28 (6,3) (2,1)
4 36 (6,3) (2,1)

and fully connected layers at the end

How did we get there?

In order to attain the impossible, one must attempt the absurd.

Miguel de Cervante

  • Some educated guesses
  • A little bit of intuition
  • And many, many attempts
  • ... on 2 GPU's
  • ... and later using Titan
  • Titan has 18,668 NVIDIA Kepler GPUs

What we got?

Target Track-based score [%] CNN-based score [%] Improvement [%]
1 89.4 95.7 6.3
2 85.8 96.0 10.2
3 84.0 94.6 10.6
4 84.1 92.6 8.5
5 86.9 94.6 7.7


  • ML approach outperforms track-based reconstruction

  • It improves efficiency and purity

  • And this is just the beginning:

    • hadron multiplicity?
    • particle identification?
    • energy/momentum reconstruction?
    • ...

CNN would fail to access Physical Review database